PHANTOM Plates (Shipped)


15 Jul 2015, 23:48

Do you have any leftovers? preferably steel/ansi/TKL.

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15 Jul 2015, 23:56


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Vintage Cherry Collector

16 Jul 2015, 05:42

Received plates. It is very good. Thanks for great job, chzel.




P/s: However there are some very little scratchs but it 's not problem for me.

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16 Jul 2015, 21:24

Juice wrote: Do you have any leftovers? preferably steel/ansi/TKL.
+1 though I'm looking for steel/iso/tkl


17 Jul 2015, 03:51

well, once Canada Post got their heads out of one anothers asses! They finally finished shipping me my plate. :D
it sat idle for the last 10 days! I'm surprised they didn't manage to bend it.

it looks great! job well done chezl!

Thnx again for all your hard work!! i wonder how much longer my switches are going to sit idle for! damn Canada Post! **shakes fist** :x

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18 Jul 2015, 21:35

Leftovers HERE!

Thank you guys for the great experience!
To the few who haven't got them yet, please update as they come!

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meow a cat

21 Jul 2015, 21:07

All four plates arrived today!

Everything looks great, not even slightly bent. Thanks Chzel! Really pleased with how this GB went, great work!

One question I had for the aluminum plates, should these be painted to prevent corrosion? Or is the finish on them good to go as-is?

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21 Jul 2015, 21:19

Thanks Meow!
Aluminium creates an oxide really fast in contact with air, and that oxide protects it from further corrosion, so it'll be perfectly fine unpainted!


25 Jul 2015, 03:19

I had some issues with a backwards diode, one bad switch, and a short due to a nick in the insulation but I have the "prototype" complete (typing on it now). I'm going to build another case in better wood and at least 5mm shorter. This one was more of a proof of concept.
2015-07-24 21.07.22.jpg
2015-07-24 21.07.22.jpg (261.26 KiB) Viewed 3936 times

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25 Jul 2015, 10:40

Oh..Nice! Do you have built any inclination in the base?
BTW, where did you get the blockers?


25 Jul 2015, 13:11

There is no inclination in the case itself. My plan is to add rubber feet to the back. Those aren't acutall blockers, just flat keys. I did buy blockers also though, in case the flat keys didn't work. I typically find the arrow keys by feel rather than sight and wanted something that would distinguish them from the surrounding keys. I bought both the blockers & flat keys from Signature Plastics (the only place I could find either):

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meow a cat

05 Aug 2015, 18:28

Built my Phantom last weekend, and I'm typing on it now. Really happy with it, thanks for making this possible Chzel!




The only thing weird is that I can't seem to get my 2U stabilized switches (backspace, enter, shifts) to open up. They open up just fine on my other Phantom. The cutout isn't quite short enough at the top, and blocks the switch from opening. Not the end of the world, but kind of destroys the magic of the cutouts for me, since if I don't want to de-solder then I'll have four switches that don't match. No biggie though, I doubt I'll be changing anything more than once. Was this an earlier version of the Phantom plate design?

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05 Aug 2015, 18:40

Looking nice and blue! REALLY blue!
I used the DXF's from the wiki page for the [wiki]Phantom[/wiki].
I think it is a known issue with this style of cutouts? The same with plate mount Cherry stabs not clipping.

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05 Aug 2015, 19:14



05 Aug 2015, 19:16

I had issues with the stabilized switches on mine as well. I found that the cilps had a little lateral movement and needed a little tweaking to make sure that they were parallel to each-other and the sides of the plate. Adjusted in that way and they went from barely working, to working well.

I just found that I have another bad switch, or I have a short somewhere. Turns out I was pretty sloppy with my handling of the wires and there are quite a few nicks in my wire insulation. It looks good though!


06 Aug 2015, 02:21

My replacement plate came in this week. There was a small dent near the spacebar switch but should be easy to push out (I have been having a bad run with Australia Post lately).. Thanks for running this group buy chzel :D .

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19 Aug 2015, 21:28

Work in progress. Thanks Chzel!


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