Geekhack is infeasted

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Elite +1

05 Nov 2011, 12:22

Doesn't bother me too much as I use BSD/LINUX in my house only. But just a heads up.

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05 Nov 2011, 13:48

Very annoying.

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05 Nov 2011, 14:23

What happened to GH? :?

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Wild Duck

05 Nov 2011, 15:11

The response time is not very impressive. I'd get that crap out of my website in five minutes. Also it amazes me this keeps happening to vbulletin, which is commercial software. Stuff like phpBB is pretty secure not because it was made by security experts, but because it has been targeted so often for so long by an army of eager script kiddies, the smallest holes were found and patched. This would also be true for vbulletin, but apparently they keep breaking things. Of course, by saying this, phpBB will most likely be hacked a number of times in the near feature, but hey, at least it is free.


05 Nov 2011, 15:59

Any idea when the malicious code was added? I was reading geekhack last night...

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05 Nov 2011, 16:30

It seemed ok this morning.


05 Nov 2011, 17:32

arg very annoying indeed... :(


05 Nov 2011, 17:50

oh.. thought this would be a ripster rant^^


05 Nov 2011, 19:47

mintberryminuscrunch wrote:oh.. thought this would be a ripster rant^^
When Geekhack is infested....

Alors on danse!
BTW is this video true?

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05 Nov 2011, 20:09

Geekhack is infested more than any other site i know.
Someone seems to hate keyboard enthusiasts or western keyboard enthusiasts. :lol:
ripster wrote:
mintberryminuscrunch wrote:oh.. thought this would be a ripster rant^^
BTW is this video true?
Maybe, but i'm german and here no one without a proxy can tell you.

If GEMA was a stock company google had already bought them just for the annoyance they are.
GEMA- you ot to love them
GEMA- you ot to love them
Unbenannt.JPG (27.12 KiB) Viewed 8557 times
Last edited by yakill on 05 Nov 2011, 22:06, edited 1 time in total.


05 Nov 2011, 20:11

Die Prinzen - Deutschland. I like the part where they brag about the geld actually being worth something.


05 Nov 2011, 20:55

Is the attack specific to geekhack forum? or the malware infest the entire service?

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Daemon Raccoon

05 Nov 2011, 22:00

Its a vBulletin exploit, and geekhack has a fairly large user-base.

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06 Nov 2011, 01:34

what is the end user impact with this exploit?

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Wild Duck

06 Nov 2011, 02:32

You're now part of a Chinese botnet battling the free world.


06 Nov 2011, 07:41

litster wrote:what is the end user impact with this exploit?
Any post involving nickels is deleted.

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06 Nov 2011, 07:55

I think the exploit added more options to group buy 4, and is also infecting the Phantom group buy!

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Wild Duck

06 Nov 2011, 17:21

Among our top search keywords coming from search engines are currently:
geekhack malware
geekhack attack site
geekhack hacked

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Gasbag Guru

06 Nov 2011, 17:23

Depending on your browser or firewall, this sickness is contagious:


I think it's time to block geekhack hosted images. This will stop the log-in issue, as well as certain topics here being unviewable at the moment, until iMav fixes this.


07 Nov 2011, 04:41


I was worried this pic would be blocked in the Gaddaffi thread.

Btw I had no idea you had to be logged into Geekhack to see the images!


07 Nov 2011, 13:52

Pretty much par-for-the-course for McAfee.


07 Nov 2011, 16:34

You meant Intel/McAfee.

Wonder how that's going? INTC is at 23.7. About as static as the EU GDP.

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07 Nov 2011, 17:44

This is taking quite a while to be fixed. Must be something serious, I guess.


07 Nov 2011, 19:13

Right now, iMav would be at work, so either he doesn't know about it, or he's working and doesn't have time to fix it.


07 Nov 2011, 19:55

It's fixed. It's just Google doesn't know it yet.

I betcha it's giving your Websense fits.


07 Nov 2011, 20:55

The weird thing is WS is not going crazy, it's Chrome. I would check in, but until even Google says it's clear, I'm not going to risk it. I am at work, y'know.


07 Nov 2011, 21:02

Good idea. I'll talk behind your back about you.

Speaking of "infeasted" we have a pretty good food thread going on right now.

This Alors on Danse tune is pretty addicting....


07 Nov 2011, 21:06

Totally OT, but I got the Logitech Revue the other day, and the little chiclet keyboard that comes with it is pretty nice. It would make a nice laptop keyboard for sure.

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07 Nov 2011, 21:30

ripster wrote:Die Prinzen - Deutschland. I like the part where they brag about the geld actually being worth something.
I don`t think that part exists, as this song is full of irony.
German, German, German...

Of course a German invented "Wetten, dass"*
Many thanks for the enjoyable hours
We're the friendliest customers in this world
We're modest - we have money
The very best in any sport
The taxes here set a world record
Visit Germany and stay here
It's this kind of visitor we wait for
Anyone who likes it can live here
We're the friendliest people in this world

German, German...

Just one little thing is out of whack
And that is, Schumacher** doesn't drive a Mercedes

All that is Germany - all that is us
You won't find that anywhere else - only here only here
All that is Germany - all that is us
We live and die here

German, German...

Many people are arrogant about Germany
And some think it's cool to be an a--hole
There are some who like to complain about Kanaken [foreigners]
And travel to Thailand every year to f---
We love our cars more than our women
Because we can trust German cars
God kissed the earth just once
Right on the spot where Germany is now
We're the best everywhere - naturally also in bed
And we're especially nice to dogs and cats

All that is Germany...

We're really good at busting someone in the chops
We can also be relied on for starting fires
We like order and cleanliness
We're always ready for a war
Friendly greetings to the world, understand
We can be proud of Germany... SWINE!

Swine, swine...

All that is Germany...
Yeah that alors on danse thing was addictive enough to be played all over the radio last year, also almost none of the listeners understand the lyrics.
But i guess noone is visiting the club to get the messages in the songs that are played right?


07 Nov 2011, 22:12

itlnstln wrote:Totally OT, but I got the Logitech Revue the other day, and the little chiclet keyboard that comes with it is pretty nice. It would make a nice laptop keyboard for sure.

Hey, I posted that a year ago!!!

Do NOT Click. NSFW. You WILL Die!!!!! ... s-For-A-PC

I just ordered a K400 and somebody sent me Apple wireless for free (claims beer stained death but I'll see if I can revive).

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