ANSI & ISO GON JD40 styled plate/case (MOSTLY SHIPPED)


07 Aug 2015, 22:50

Hey! group buy is starting! PM me if you wish to purchase, I will give you my paypal info.
index.png (142.75 KiB) Viewed 17567 times
Finish is brushed, and the material is stainless steel. The final version has holes for feet like the GON feet.

Each full set counts as buying 2 plates.


10 sold: 45 USD full set, ANSI or ISO.
20 sold: 40 USD full set, ANSI or ISO.
30 sold: 35 USD full set, ANSI or ISO.
50 sold: 30 USD full set, ANSI or ISO.

If you live in the US, shipping is included. If not, there is a 5 USD extra payment.

Thank you very much Joey Quinn, who designed the plate, and LeandreN, who is the provider.
Last edited by wafflepc on 22 Dec 2015, 23:16, edited 4 times in total.

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08 Aug 2015, 00:37

I'm in.

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08 Aug 2015, 04:27

What TKL PCB is this designed for?


08 Aug 2015, 05:34

sethk wrote:What TKL PCB is this designed for?
Phantom, but others will work I believe. I'm pretty sure the gonkeyboards pcb will. If it uses a teensy 2.0 then it should work.


08 Aug 2015, 14:37

What's the deadline please?


08 Aug 2015, 18:14

themadnun wrote:What's the deadline please?
Im going to wait for about two weeks, maybe 3, and then start collecting payments, and order the plates. No exact deadline.


09 Aug 2015, 21:06



10 Aug 2015, 06:06

I'm interested in building a Phantom, but I'm confused if this is the switch plate or a TKL case?

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10 Aug 2015, 09:23

As far as I understand: both. I'll look for a picture

Edit: Like this but with a PCB


10 Aug 2015, 23:15

axtran wrote: I'm interested in building a Phantom, but I'm confused if this is the switch plate or a TKL case?

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11 Aug 2015, 18:18

So this doesn't come with the posts but waffle you said these were easy to find? Do you have a link where we could pick them up? Thank you.


11 Aug 2015, 19:36

braidn wrote: So this doesn't come with the posts but waffle you said these were easy to find? Do you have a link where we could pick them up? Thank you.
4-40 screws, and you can use any standoffs you want. 3/8 inch works well.

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11 Aug 2015, 21:37

wafflepc wrote:
braidn wrote: So this doesn't come with the posts but waffle you said these were easy to find? Do you have a link where we could pick them up? Thank you.
4-40 screws, and you can use any standoffs you want. 3/8 inch works well.
like ... 589b61e34c and ... 3cedbaac00

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11 Aug 2015, 21:46

Oh wow, yeah super easy. Thank you.


12 Aug 2015, 02:50

Come on PEOPLE! We need more buyers!

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12 Aug 2015, 15:41

Absolutely! Who doesn't want to build a skeleton phantom TKL

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12 Aug 2015, 15:58

waffle, have you posted this over on reddit or gh?


12 Aug 2015, 20:05

Waffle, does this plate allow us to swap our switches?


13 Aug 2015, 23:53

infamouslife7314 wrote: Waffle, does this plate allow us to swap our switches?
Not without desoldering.

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14 Aug 2015, 05:07

wafflepc wrote:
infamouslife7314 wrote: Waffle, does this plate allow us to swap our switches?
Not without desoldering.
But you can open the switches without desoldering.


14 Aug 2015, 07:23

skiwithpete wrote:
wafflepc wrote:
infamouslife7314 wrote: Waffle, does this plate allow us to swap our switches?
Not without desoldering.
But you can open the switches without desoldering.
Ok sweet that was what I was trying to get at, just couldn't figure out how to say it. and fancy seeing you here skiwithpete!


15 Aug 2015, 08:27

Joined. Thanks.


16 Aug 2015, 19:30

We have around 14 plates bought? maybe 16. thank you! keep on buying!


17 Aug 2015, 08:33

Count me in, please!


17 Aug 2015, 22:38

studyourheart wrote: Count me in, please!
Pm me!

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19 Aug 2015, 02:15

Is it one plate with cutouts for ANSI and ISO or are there two options to choose from?


19 Aug 2015, 04:25

dyger wrote: Is it one plate with cutouts for ANSI and ISO or are there two options to choose from?


20 Aug 2015, 05:03


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21 Aug 2015, 14:42

Just posted this over on reddit to try to help generate a bit more interest.

I hope others will see in it what I do.


21 Aug 2015, 15:19

Thanks for the heads up Skiwithpete - how many are you up to so far? You bill immediately or at the end?

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