Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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04 Nov 2015, 21:22

Thanks, a few more?

XMIT is part of the FUNCTION kit.

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04 Nov 2015, 21:23

zslane wrote: R1: RENAME, SEARCH
I think they'd be

Code: Select all

I'm not sure 6 characters fit in one line..
Last edited by chzel on 04 Nov 2015, 21:23, edited 1 time in total.

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04 Nov 2015, 21:23

They do fit in one line!

1 minute!

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04 Nov 2015, 21:24

SCROLL fits on SCROLL LOCK keys.

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04 Nov 2015, 21:25

I'm stupid...I have Print SCREEN in front of me....6 characters in SCREEN...

And SCROLL of course!

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04 Nov 2015, 21:26

anything else?

What about a ZSLANE key?

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04 Nov 2015, 21:28

Yeah, there are quite a few already: PRINT, INSERT, DELETE, SCROLL, ESCAPE, etc. Granted, they usually employ the condensed version of Gorton Modified, but I don't have a problem with that. In fact, I will probably use the condensed font for all the modifier legends in SA Dasher, just for visual consistency.

I really don't need a vanity keycap, but thank you for offering. :)

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04 Nov 2015, 21:30

OK, then it is final!


04 Nov 2015, 21:34

7bit wrote: XMIT is part of the FUNCTION kit.
Isn't that R1?

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04 Nov 2015, 21:44

OK, so XMIT in row 3?

@zslane: They have 3 font sizes for the text legends:
the big ass widespread with the circle-like O, the normal font, which I prefer and a condensed variant which is sometimes necessary for longer legends. My new software calculates if the text fits and chooses the condensed variant if it doesn't.

Here is the input file for the FUNCTION2 kit:

Code: Select all

$REM ------------------
$START (0)
$REM ------------------
$START (1.25)
$KEY100(CMD) !!!!WFK:RAS
$REM ------------------
$START (2.5)
$KEY100(TAB) !!!!WFK:RAS
$KEY150(BSP) !!!!WFK:RAS
$REM ------------------
$START (3.75)
$KEY100(F3) !!!!WFK:RAS
$KEY100(bigeightast) !!!!WFK:RAS
$REM ------------------

And here it is, fresh out of the Perl script:
HONEYB_FUNCTION2_VIOLETT.png (156.37 KiB) Viewed 7563 times

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04 Nov 2015, 22:27

7bit wrote: I mean the SHIFT keys, not the modifiers in the bottom row!
Ok, no objections on the SHIF T keys in Row4 :)

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04 Nov 2015, 22:48

7bit wrote: What I will do, is changing all SHIFTs in all kits to row 4 but add row 3 SHIFTs
for those who want them to stay in row 3.
You got me, great news :)

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04 Nov 2015, 22:59

7bit has corrected the SHIFT legend for this GB. So no more SHIF T from now on.

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04 Nov 2015, 23:38

Status on #0463? Email says payment confirmed on 2014-09-28, but I haven't received any emails besides new invoices.

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05 Nov 2015, 00:40

So in a recent e-mail to Oobly, the president of SP describes Carbon as "currently in production" (which sounds behind schedule to me based on the original delivery date given on MassDrop), and Danger Zone as "next in queue" (which has/had a projected start date some time in December, but if Carbon pushed who knows what impact that is having on Danger Zone).

What all this means is that even if 7bit submits his final legend graphics to SP today, production on Round 5a will not begin until next year (I'm presuming SP will close down for much of the holidays, making Danger Zone the last set to be manufactured in 2015). I think if we are putting Round 5a keycaps on our boards by Easter we should consider ourselves lucky.

Do you disagree with this assessment, 7bit?


05 Nov 2015, 06:10

status on #0608 please? no confirmation of payment, only new invoices :c


05 Nov 2015, 07:26

showmeyourkitties wrote: status on #0608 please? no confirmation of payment, only new invoices :c
Same thing for me with #0708, I'm waiting for the status of my order to catch-up before adding new items.

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05 Nov 2015, 08:46

Veggis wrote: Status on #0463? Email says payment confirmed on 2014-09-28, but I haven't received any emails besides new invoices.
The production of your order will start in December and end in February or March.


05 Nov 2015, 11:29

sorry just sorting my order now

whats the difference between the SPH and the Grey spacebar ?
is 625 the standard filco/novatouch space bar size ?
Is there a caps lock in the standard ANSI ctrl size and row ?
is return 2.25 correct for a novatouch?

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05 Nov 2015, 11:40

andrewjoy wrote: sorry just sorting my order now

whats the difference between the SPH and the Grey spacebar ?
is 625 the standard filco/novatouch space bar size ?
Is there a caps lock in the standard ANSI ctrl size and row ?
is return 2.25 correct for a novatouch?
The SPACE625 should fit all Filco and Cherry keyboards.

SPH-grey and GREY are different colors.

What is a novatouch?


05 Nov 2015, 11:41

And the caps lock in the control key size ? Does that exist ?

What about keys for unix layout ? Is that possible

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05 Nov 2015, 12:42

The MODEXTRA150 kits contain a CAPS LOCK.


05 Nov 2015, 13:29

hmm this is my wish list


IF only there where green caps too :(
far too expensive need to slim it down


05 Nov 2015, 13:37

7bit, to repeat my question now that you're (maybe) done your legends:
McPwned wrote: 7bit, would be it be possible to split up the HONEY/NUMROW set? I just want the white caps, and it seems like an odd grouping for leftovers. Thanks.
You're making it hard for me to give you money!

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05 Nov 2015, 13:42

Strange way of doing business, isn't it. And yet he's always like that!


05 Nov 2015, 13:45

What would be cool is some sort of system where you enter the model number for your keyboard and it will order the caps you need for it , no more no less.

I want a set for my ISO minila air but i just cannot be arsed checking and going through what i need.

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05 Nov 2015, 13:45

zslane wrote: So in a recent e-mail to Oobly, the president of SP describes Carbon as "currently in production" (which sounds behind schedule to me based on the original delivery date given on MassDrop), and Danger Zone as "next in queue" (which has/had a projected start date some time in December, but if Carbon pushed who knows what impact that is having on Danger Zone).

What all this means is that even if 7bit submits his final legend graphics to SP today, production on Round 5a will not begin until next year (I'm presuming SP will close down for much of the holidays, making Danger Zone the last set to be manufactured in 2015). I think if we are putting Round 5a keycaps on our boards by Easter we should consider ourselves lucky.

Do you disagree with this assessment, 7bit?
I disagree. Carbon was delayed by one month one day after closing, which annoyed everyone, but which also means that DZ is NOT delayed AFAIK. The reason for the delay was the same as it always seems to be: "Oh my god, people actually WANT our product? That means we have to make it - this was a completely unforseen event!"

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05 Nov 2015, 13:48

andrewjoy wrote: What would be cool is some sort of system where you enter the model number for your keyboard and it will order the caps you need for it , no more no less.

I want a set for my ISO minila air but i just cannot be arsed checking and going through what i need.
Zomg, this is a fantastic idea... It could easily be an extension of the keymap generator as well, it's just a matter of making a JSON structure of all the keys and then have have all groupbuys accept this JSON-file. Which means all group buys would have to format all their sets in to JSON as well, and a matching algorithm would be really easy...

If I have some time during my vacation in two weeks I'll look into this. Of course, I don't have the keymap-generator source, but I could make a CLI at the very least...

So theoretically we could make a 7bitRound5a.json and a pok3r.json, and run

Code: Select all

gbmatcher pok3r 7bitRound5a
and your output would be something like this:

Code: Select all

You need these sets: Base
Of course, Pok3r was a very bad example...

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05 Nov 2015, 13:52

Sssh. 7bit's whole system is based on you buying lots of excess caps you don't need. You'll ruin him with fancy ideas like this.


05 Nov 2015, 13:54

IF you need help let me know , my programming skills are average at best ( know enough to fix something or add very messy and minor changes but could not design something) but i could format stuff and test.
Muirium wrote: Sssh. 7bit's whole system is based on you buying lots of excess caps you don't need. You'll ruin him with fancy ideas like this.

I dont need the Hyper7 kit , but i do want it!

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