07 Nov 2015, 00:02
I have the "EK Edition" RF87UB45, but, as you point out, this is black-on-black (or black on dark gray per EK's description). I don't like the look of the white RF87U -- the body or the keys. I actually have a white RF87U with 45g domes on the main typing area; I used the 55g domes to make a 55g HHKB. I might be selling the home-made RF87UW45/55 at some time.
I go back and forth between my RF87UB45 and RF87UB55. Both are silenced with my rings, but the 45g board came out sounding a bit better. The 55g board ended up with a few keys that click -- a phenomenon that has been reported with the Novatouch.
It seems that there were a few refinements made with the RF87UB45 "EK Edition", such as red LEDs and improved legends (but who can read them anyway?). Beyond these advertised changes, my EK Edition board feels better than my other RFs, which has led me to speculate that some extra care was taken when putting these EK boards together. Maybe it's my imagination. It could also be that I actually like 45g domes better than 55g domes.
To get back to your question, a 55g HiPro is intriguing, but I have never tried a standard HiPro, so I have no basis for knowing if I would prefer one or the other or neither. Moreover, after becoming accustomed to silenced Topre boards, I don't think I could go back to an unsilenced one, and I think that the silencing rings might not work on a HiPro.