I will try to post some renders with black and white cases anon.
I would think many of those votes come from the same people. It's also a bit surprising that another picture of the same color scheme is getting almost double the votes!
That's good to hear, almost too many choices! Thanks for the info 7bit.
Sure, they look nice. But they don't look right.
Quick and crappy photoshop, but please consider it 7bit.
7bit wrote: I've asked SP about Alps sphericals and they told me they don't want to.
Maybe later ...
I think we should find some other manufacturer. The tools SP has made for my group buys (and pleasantly uses for all subsequent buys (OK, why not) and commercial productions (
) ) where not that expansive.
All we need to find, is a manufacturer who is willing to produce what we want.
Wasn't there someone in China doing Cherry keycap clones?