LEGO Is Investing Millions To Ditch Their Oil-Based Plastics In Search

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Wild Duck

24 Feb 2016, 23:40

It's realistic because Bush.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

25 Feb 2016, 00:26

webwit wrote: It's realistic because Bush.
Possibly, but who could forget this less successful campain: ... 1760827277

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Gotta start somewhere

25 Feb 2016, 02:07

mkay lets go back to legos now, we wrapped things up in the Trump argument.

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25 Feb 2016, 08:20

Belgium is apparently making great strides on making plastic from lactic acid, from milk. ... SKCN0VO1E2

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25 Feb 2016, 11:04

Redmaus wrote: mkay lets go back to legos now, we wrapped things up in the Trump argument.
Wishful thinking.

Even when America kicks him in the teeth in November, it won't be over. Conservatives will refuse to accept defeat, again, and will deadlock congress and hold their own country to ransom for the whole of Hillary's term, just as they did Obama's. Because they're patriotic like that.

"Every nation gets the government it deserves."
— Joseph de Maistre, 1811

Indeed. This is why some of us are so keen to redraw the borders of our own nations! We haven't voted Tory since the 1950s in Scotland, yet we get them again and again and again…

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Offtopicthority Instigator

25 Feb 2016, 12:18

Redmaus wrote: mkay lets go back to legos now, we wrapped things up in the Trump argument.
No I think Redmaus is quite right, and I'll admit I was the "derailer" in this case. Keyboard talk is above political talk right?

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25 Feb 2016, 12:20

Sure. But Lego talk is contemptible!

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Offtopicthority Instigator

25 Feb 2016, 12:31

Muirium wrote: Sure. But Lego talk is contemptible!
Not when it involves or relates to our keycap plastics issues in any way IMO.

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25 Feb 2016, 20:50

Finally, most Americans agree with me on something: ... ent-trump/

To nitpick, I wouldn't say "terrified" exactly. I'm a white guy after all.

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Gotta start somewhere

25 Feb 2016, 22:46

Muirium wrote: Finally, most Americans agree with me on something: ... ent-trump/

To nitpick, I wouldn't say "terrified" exactly. I'm a white guy after all.
Just read through the comments on that website, and they look about as bleak as you can get.


All strawman arguments that have no logical reasoning or evidence to back them up. Poke fun and use buzzwords all you want, but that won't convince anyone that is used to legitimate arguments or intelligent debate.

Unfortunately many people do not fall in that category. Like I said before, I am not even for Trump but am amazed at how people can be so against him without knowing anything about his actual policies.

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Wild Duck

25 Feb 2016, 23:22

Now here is a true fascist instead of just a silly businessman. What a wonderful alternative. ... rd_debate/ ... m_20160224

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Offtopicthority Instigator

25 Feb 2016, 23:27

OK I was gonna ignore this thread but this is too much fun, here's Mexico’s former president on walls and Trump...
Here's another one where he says he won't build "the fucking wall"... ... 1761319144 ... 079202683/

and to top it off Hillary Clinton once had a cat named Isis... :lol: ... 1761313450
Last edited by seebart on 26 Feb 2016, 00:04, edited 2 times in total.

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25 Feb 2016, 23:45

Isis is super cool.


"Islamic State", not so much. Fucking vandals. (Not to be confused with Vandals. And on it goes…)

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Gotta start somewhere

25 Feb 2016, 23:46

"all walls have failed" Wrong.

"American people cannot isolate itself" Border control is not isolation

"Women have compassion, love, responsibility" Lmao so men are incapable or less loving then women? I thought we were all equal!

Other things he said I could analyze but I don't think I need to go over much more :lol:

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25 Feb 2016, 23:48

True. You can be wrong all day, Redmaus. As can ole Trombone. He's getting no closer to the presidency than you are.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

25 Feb 2016, 23:49

Oh boy you're really taking this seriously & personal aren't you Redmaus? Please don't!

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25 Feb 2016, 23:51

The right way to talk politics.


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Wild Duck

25 Feb 2016, 23:56

Muirium advises you to vote for the Middle East wedding bomber instead of the Mexican wall builder. :P

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Offtopicthority Instigator

26 Feb 2016, 00:02

Ouch webwit. I advise to vote for old socialist...
50.jpg (28.82 KiB) Viewed 3931 times

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Wild Duck

26 Feb 2016, 00:12

I liked it when Ross Perot ran because he was an independent. Where are the independents? Fuck those two shades of gray (R or D), that's more lack of choice than the Supreme Soviet.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

26 Feb 2016, 00:22

Right but his infographics didn't work...too much information. He should have hired this guy;
10b081df55cf8dd9b93d967b9c90a678.jpg (33.18 KiB) Viewed 3925 times
Well they certainly look preppy toghter. :mrgreen:

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26 Feb 2016, 00:26

Ah, the NeXT days. That was one hell of a company. Turning Ross Perot's money into Apple's eventual future. He discovered Jobs while watching TV. There was some show about young entrepreneurs on, and Jobs reminded Perot of himself. Or how he liked to imagine! So they hooked up.

As for voting: Redmaus is in Texas. Doesn't matter. Texans have no more say in November than I do. Hell of a system that electoral college and first past the post.

Wikipedia wrote:These maps show the amount of attention given by the campaigns of George W. Bush and John Kerry during the final four weeks of the 2004 election. At left, each waving hand represents a visit from a presidential or vice-presidential candidate during the final four weeks. At right, each dollar sign represents one million dollars spent on TV advertising by the campaigns during the same time period.
Texas… Alaska… Scotland… Mars… whatever.

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Wild Duck

26 Feb 2016, 00:37

Perot was still useful because he broke the broken elections, as he divided the republican vote. :twisted:
Independents can break the status quo.

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26 Feb 2016, 00:40

They hurt the candidate more similar to them. Perot was conservative and hurt Bush. Nader was liberal and hurt Gore.

Trump, meanwhile, wants to be president. Rather than just help elect a democrat. Ironically, his campaign is helping with the latter!

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Wild Duck

26 Feb 2016, 00:46

The republicans don't seem to be strategic voters, because the only way they're gonna win is to have a candidate near the middle. Although Trump will move some too after he is voted the republicans' man and the demographics change for the real election.

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Gotta start somewhere

26 Feb 2016, 00:55

seebart wrote: Oh boy you're really taking this seriously & personal aren't you Redmaus? Please don't!
Not really I just referenced a few things the dude said.
seebart wrote: Ouch webwit. I advise to vote for old socialist...
Please tell me you are joking. Socialism has always morphed into communism, and communism has always failed.

Not to mention someone to get taxed half their income isn't right. Even if they are super rich.
webwit wrote: The republicans don't seem to be strategic voters, because the only way they're gonna win is to have a candidate near the middle. Although Trump will move some too after he is voted the republicans' man and the demographics change for the real election.
True. Everyone is more extreme to get more attention for the nomination, but once the nominees are called they go moderate to attract a wider selection of voters.

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26 Feb 2016, 01:12

Redmaus wrote: Please tell me you are joking. Socialism has always morphed into communism, and communism has always failed.
Not always. Socialism has been relatively effective in certain small European countries. It doesn't scale well, it seems.

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Gotta start somewhere

26 Feb 2016, 01:19

Small European countries do work somewhat well yes. Homogeneous societies tend to work with socialism better.

I was too blunt there yeah. Socialism is something I have a huge problem with because it promotes laziness, which is a problem even for me daily. ... ll-for-it/

Something to read

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26 Feb 2016, 02:15

This author is a fearmonger. Most of Sander's points are what is normal in many western European countries that are definitely capitalist countries, like Scandinavian countries, France or Germany. Sanders is not a socialist in the sense of classic Marxist theory at all like she is insinuating. He's what over here is called a "social democrat". Moreover, we all know from the Omama years that the president doesn't rule alone anyway.

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26 Feb 2016, 09:38

Aye. I know a few lefties over here who consider Sanders isolationist / nativist and therefore right wing. Which only begins to make a lick of sense once you've downed a whole lot of Marx!


My problem with Sanders is that he's so far to the left of American swing voters that most any conservative could thrash him in November. He's the one candidate Trump could defeat in the general election. Cruz is a nutter too, and I'm no fan of Rubio either, so Sanders worried me most of all. But he screwed the pooch in Nevada. He's all out of cash and hasn't won the ethnic vote so vital to the democratic nomination.

Hillary is far from ideal, too. I much preferred Obama eight years ago, and I expect a Hillary presidency will be more troublesome than his has been. But black and Hispanic voters never bought Sanders — another angry looking white guy on the news — so Hillary it is.

I wonder how Trump will alter his message after his win at the republican convention? Something tells me it's too late to play the nice guy. He's already doomed to the hard right wing vote. They may well vote for him in record numbers. But they don't live everywhere he needs to win…

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