Alps SKCM Neon Green

What should be the new name?

Neon Green
other (specify)
Total votes: 29

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02 Mar 2016, 21:30

seebart wrote: I know you do Chyros, anyone watching your reviews can tell, like so often I was kidding.

But this
is ugly as hell. Come on man use some other smiley.

Here's kbdfr's smiley source:

And we still have not gotten any further in our green Alps SKCM situation. I'd love to get my hands on some old Alps SKCM product catalogs. I think I will send them an official DT request, I wonder if Daniel Beardsmore ever tried that.
SKCM green appeared in the catalog! We have the force curve on it and everything! :D

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Offtopicthority Instigator

02 Mar 2016, 21:34

But our light green variant did not right? I meant other documents that we had not seen, if those even exist. So what to do? Leave it for now? You have seen the reactions here today, about 50/50.

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Vintage computer guy

03 Mar 2016, 02:25

seebart wrote: I wonder if Daniel Beardsmore ever tried that.
I'm not sure if he'd like me quoting him but I did ask him earlier today. The result? "Alps defined SKCMAT as being "green"". If Alps called them green, they're green.

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03 Mar 2016, 03:25

I guess we should keep to the style... SKCM and SKCL Browns are differentiated solely by their prefix, not a secondary color. I confuse those two sometimes in discussions, but such confusions are really just the communicating parties' fault.

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06 Mar 2016, 17:00

seebart wrote: We don't even have the "new greens" in our wiki yet, stop calling them neon green please Chyros until we can agree on a name. I just don't like "neon". How does the slider color compare to Alps SKCL Green? Who's got both on hand for color comparison?
I'm personally behind the new name 100% as it helps give the switches distinction. I happen to have both on hand, but you can see the distinction between the SKCL Compact switches and the SKCM Green in this photo.

SKCM Green has even been used incorrectly on the wiki to refer to SKCL Green switches on the Chicony 5160AT, so I think that it would be a good idea to rename them.

Now the same could be said about any other switch with multiple variations but the same or similar slider color.

So one could argue that if we rename SKCM Green, then does that mean we should find more alternative names for the others as well?

I don't know, Chryos started this. :lol: But as I've come into several specimens of these switches, I plan on documenting them on the wiki.

I think there is distinction to be made because, unlike cream variants and the two browns, this green is very distinctive.

So shall we be conservative or crazy radicals about this Neon Green thing? :P
ohaimark wrote: I guess we should keep to the style... SKCM and SKCL Browns are differentiated solely by their prefix, not a secondary color. I confuse those two sometimes in discussions, but such confusions are really just the communicating parties' fault.
You have to keep in mind that the slider color between SKCM brown and SKCL brown is the same. SKCM Green is very different than SKCL Green.

We don't call SKCM Amber SKCM Yellow now do we? This is a strong point for renaming SKCM Green, imo.


As SKCL Compact are the same color as SKCL Green, this should give a good idea of the contrast, but if someone insists on me taking comparison side by side shots, I can do that too.

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06 Mar 2016, 17:07

Daniel Beardsmore wrote: I got my "(NYC) taxi yellow" Alps switches in the post today!

This has prompted me to rename them from Alps SKCM Yellow to Alps SKCM Amber. The colour varies between switches, but overall it's a dull amber colour, rather than the pure yellow of linear Alps switches:
From Daniel himself on the renaming of SKCM Amber, pointing out its distinctive color compared to SKCL Yellow.

We are in the same situation here, so I vote for Neon Green. :P

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Mar 2016, 17:11

Yes I think we can all agree that the slider color is quite different, and just like amber (taxi yellow) and yellow are differentiated these should be too. The nubbinator shot makes this quite clear just like it's visible in your shot above.
Kz27sZ4.jpg (568.01 KiB) Viewed 12498 times

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06 Mar 2016, 17:13

Indeed! I plan on doing quite the write up for both the Xerox boards and the switches once I'm done fully restoring my batch.

I've stumbled upon the poorly documented pine variants as well, so we should have a lot of information to fill out the wiki very soon. :)

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Mar 2016, 17:19

I'm fine with a seperate new name, "neon" is fine by me BUT there should be a general agreement on this, there might be people opposing this, they should have a good argument like this:
002 wrote: I don't think they should be renamed either to be honest. Their characteristics alone (linear vs tactile) ought to be enough for someone to figure out which is which. There are other colours that exist in both the SKCL and SKCM lines (brown, cream) so if we were to start referring to the SKCM as Neon Green, shouldn't we be giving the other colours some distinct names too?

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Gotta start somewhere

06 Mar 2016, 17:20

I really don't care what its named, I just hope to find some one day.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Mar 2016, 17:29

Redmaus I think you're on a Alps SKCL Green crusade or something. You'll find some eventually. Patience.

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Vintage computer guy

06 Mar 2016, 17:48

In my opinion, if it needs a new name, "neon" doesn't describe a colour or shade of green. You always have to say "green" with it because neon can be any colour. Are there any other possibilities? I understand the colour names should be single words with as few syllables as possible.

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06 Mar 2016, 17:58

E3E wrote:
Daniel Beardsmore wrote: I got my "(NYC) taxi yellow" Alps switches in the post today!

This has prompted me to rename them from Alps SKCM Yellow to Alps SKCM Amber. The colour varies between switches, but overall it's a dull amber colour, rather than the pure yellow of linear Alps switches:
From Daniel himself on the renaming of SKCM Amber, pointing out its distinctive color compared to SKCL Yellow.

We are in the same situation here, so I vote for Neon Green. :P
Exactly, this is a core argument for me as well. The colour is just so different, it's almost unfair to refer to both of them with the same word xD .

"Neon green" is actually an official colour and it's not that far from the actual colour: . In addition, it's what Nubs called it when he discovered it. But of course if someone else knows of a better name... :)

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Mar 2016, 17:58

True snuci, chartreuse instead? Hmm I don't know. That's a pretty strange word! Bright green, light green? Same double word problem there. This is harder than it seems.

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06 Mar 2016, 18:14

I think the problem with shades of green is that many of them just use a modifier in front of the base color as opposed to an entirely different word. I still think Neon Green holds up well. It's not too complicated, simple to say, and classy. Very straightforward.

I mean, Alps SKCM Malachite... Sure, but who even knows how to pronounce "malachite"? :P

Alps SKCM Jade

Alps SKCM Emerald

Those are getting pretty exotic though. :P

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Vintage computer guy

06 Mar 2016, 18:19

E3E wrote: I mean, Alps SKCM Malachite... Sure, but who even knows how to pronounce "malachite"? :P
Malachite was a name brought up and it is actually a good one but most people need to look it up (like I did). How about "jade" or "emerald"?

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Vintage computer guy

06 Mar 2016, 18:19

snuci wrote:
E3E wrote: I mean, Alps SKCM Malachite... Sure, but who even knows how to pronounce "malachite"? :P
Malachite was a name brought up and it is actually a good one but most people need to look it up (like I did). How about "jade" or "emerald"?
Wow, you read my mind :)

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06 Mar 2016, 18:32

How about SKCM Bright Green? That'd go along with the naming of some MX switches like "Dark Blue" or "Pale Blue" that just describe the shade of the colour the switch is.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Mar 2016, 18:34

I did mention "Bright Green" before, I do like "Jade" but technically that's another color altogether.

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06 Mar 2016, 18:51

I'm still down with SKCM Neon Green (sounds better than pale or bright if you ask me), but SKCM Emerald or SKCM Jade would be cool, but it kind of sounds too extravagant.

Image Kinda looks Jadish right?

I really like Emerald, but I don't know if it's just too flashy of a name.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Mar 2016, 18:53

Oh wow the green really pops in that shot.

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Vintage computer guy

06 Mar 2016, 18:57

I do like "Jade". It's one syllable, you know it's green and it actually looks like the color of the switches. It fits into existing colours like "Amber".

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06 Mar 2016, 18:59

snuci wrote: I do like "Jade". It's one syllable, you know it's green and it actually looks like the color of the switches. It fits into existing colours like "Amber".
Well then, all those in favor for Alps SKCM Jade?

I am! I think that sounds really nice and does fit with the style of naming that we see with Alps SKCM Amber.
seebart wrote: Oh wow the green really pops in that shot.
Yeah, they are probably the prettiest Alps SKCL/SKCM switches I've ever seen, really. The color is so dynamic.

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06 Mar 2016, 19:03

Jade, sure :) .

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06 Mar 2016, 19:25

Another vote for jade :mrgreen:

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Mar 2016, 21:23

Apparently this new name has been adapted already :o You're "jumping the gun" E3E?!?
Unbenannt.JPG (35.54 KiB) Viewed 12381 times

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06 Mar 2016, 21:33

seebart wrote: Apparently this new name has been adapted already :o You're "jumping the gun" E3E?!?
It's time to get the train rolling! :evilgeek:

Better early than never! Bwaahahahahahahahaha.

Speaking of jade though...

I've noticed that Alps SKCM [Insert Green Here] have different shades between the early models and later models.

The later models have a rather sloppy dye job that looks jade-like actually, and I can see how Chyros thought of them as seafoam green. The earlier model sliders are consistent in color and darker. These are lighter.



It might be my grade F camera, but these are incredibly hard to capture the true color of in photos.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Mar 2016, 21:37

Nice pics, just go ahead and make that "Alps SKCM Beta Jade" then until we've decided on the name late 2017! :evilgeek:
I've noticed that Alps SKCM [Insert Green Here] have different shades between the early models and later models.
That's what I have been saying all along, I have seen different slider color shades with Alps SKCM Blue so my guess is that the exact slider color tone was secondary to them or they changed the tone slighty in production batches on purpose. We will never know for sure.
seafoam green
Hahaha that's it that's the new name. :lol:

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06 Mar 2016, 23:02

And what do you do when a3rd color of green pops up? The keyboards are still in Dallas right now, but I am pretty sure there are several shades of blue, green, and cream/white, salmon/orange, etc.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

06 Mar 2016, 23:09

Yes very good question Cindy! Yes I generally also assume that there are several shades of most of the slider colors, quite a few of which we have not seen. It would be unpractical not to give them a name.

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