I had exactly the same issue with backspace. This board could really use it in the HHKB position. I don't see Matias doing that, though. But they did at least fix the maddening Num Lock with the final version. What a strange unforced error!Ascaii wrote: I received the keyboard about an hour ago. wlhlm wrote that he could only send it in the new year, i guess it took a bit longer.
First impressions:
I keep hitting numlock and caps lock, which is rather annoying. I do enjoy the matias ergo switch and the ability to change the angle of the keyboard. Key positioning is a bit off in places...backspace is very far for the pinky to travel, which leads to hitting the \ key a lot. I am sure it was done to stick with the "standard" layout, but imo the backspace sees much more use than backslash, so I would like to have seen them switched. I really like the large cmd keys and split space bar. I will give the board a week, then send it on. If the next person in line would be so kind to send me their address, I can already get the shipping labels ready.
I need to update the tour list. Looks like Cookie is next but I could be wrong as I didn't pop you back in place again. I'll PM him to see if he's ready soon.