Great/Interesting Finds

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20 May 2016, 04:13

Shitty HP with a cool Pi key:

Interesting Morse Code 'board:

Feel the rainbow, taste the rainbow:

Zentec 'board with unidentifiable switches:


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20 May 2016, 06:37

haven't been around lately, has this been posted yet ? ... 2075184379

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20 May 2016, 06:39

Yep, it has :-D

Sent from fat fingers on small screen

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Gotta start somewhere

20 May 2016, 07:06

gogusrl wrote: haven't been around lately, has this been posted yet ? ... 2075184379
ebay wrote:reserve not met at 700$
I bet the reserve is like 1000$ or something. Either way seller scared off some buyers by putting reserve on there its not a smart move IMO

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21 May 2016, 00:01

Last edited by need on 27 Nov 2016, 07:10, edited 1 time in total.

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Model M Apologist

21 May 2016, 00:11

Don't know much about Topre boards, but that looks like a pretty decent deal to me. I would be really tempted to get one if I were in the UK. :oops:

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21 May 2016, 04:43

Sorry if this was shared already, not around too much anymore :oops:

nice source of old mx black switches if anyone's looking:

You could also pick up some cheap Data 911's - the last one I owned had very smooth switches:

Also, did someone really pay $250 for that F122 posted last week? :o

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21 May 2016, 06:01

jerue wrote: Also, did someone really pay $250 for that F122 posted last week? :o
Yep: ... 7675.l2565

Doesn't look like troll bidding...


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Awake Sheep

21 May 2016, 09:34

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21 May 2016, 09:39

meh, I'd like it a lot more without the double row on the left and the one on the right. That's mainly because I don't use FJ homing keys but the sides of the alphas (shift/capslock on the left and enter on the right).

I'd do it as a full keyboard split in 3 (2 alphas + arrows/numpad).

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Offtopicthority Instigator

21 May 2016, 10:20

emdude wrote: Don't know much about Topre boards, but that looks like a pretty decent deal to me. I would be really tempted to get one if I were in the UK. :oops:
Yes that's a good deal although Novatouch is not equal to Realforce in more than one regard.

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21 May 2016, 10:31

I agree on both points. Love my Realforce so much more than the NovaTouch, even factoring in the Granite set and damping rings I've got on the NovaTouch. But that is one sterling price for a new NovaTouch and well worth the grab!

Makes me wonder how the NovaTouch experiment turned out for CM. Doesn't look like an immense success. Hopefully they're still working with Topre and can achieve something better on the second try. Depends on Topre just as much as CM.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

21 May 2016, 10:41

Muirium wrote: Makes me wonder how the NovaTouch experiment turned out for CM. Doesn't look like an immense success. Hopefully they're still working with Topre and can achieve something better on the second try. Depends on Topre just as much as CM.
Aside from the success for CM it's great that they originally did release it, the Novatouch is the best thing that happened to Topre in terms of making their obnoxiously expensive and partially unavailable (in Europe) keyboards accessible in another form to the "average" buyer.

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21 May 2016, 18:31

Last edited by alienman82 on 02 Mar 2018, 03:06, edited 1 time in total.

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21 May 2016, 18:38

Thanks for that board alienman, biggest legends Ive seen so far.
Will try to get it :)

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21 May 2016, 19:01

alienman82 wrote: VIG MX Blue G80-3000 ... Sw9k5XQEzv
The description is true to the nature of the product. :lol:

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21 May 2016, 19:04

Last edited by alienman82 on 02 Mar 2018, 03:06, edited 1 time in total.

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23 May 2016, 05:56

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Model M Apologist

23 May 2016, 05:58

I saw that listing as well a little earlier, it's curious how he only has the upper part of an industrial SSK case, where did the other half go? :?


23 May 2016, 07:47

Looks like Ascai's SSK, but in ANSI, he algo got the top shell from someone. The board does look great!

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Offtopicthority Instigator

23 May 2016, 10:42

emdude wrote: I saw that listing as well a little earlier, it's curious how he only has the upper part of an industrial SSK case, where did the other half go? :?
He never had it! It's a FRANKEN improv SSK. Still nice to have, better than nothing.

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Awake Sheep

23 May 2016, 11:00

lolpes wrote: Looks like Ascai's SSK, but in ANSI, he algo got the top shell from someone. The board does look great!
Nah, I've got Ascaii's.

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Finally 60%

23 May 2016, 11:10

Your wealth was unbeknownst to me! That is a lovely looking ISO SSK! And a mx5000, to boot...
What's that 65% keyboard with the R5 caps?

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Awake Sheep

23 May 2016, 12:11

It's just a KBT PurePro. Doesn't it look sweet?

Here's a new picture of it:
photo_2016-05-23_12-18-08.jpg (81.61 KiB) Viewed 6330 times
Last edited by t!ng on 23 May 2016, 12:22, edited 2 times in total.


23 May 2016, 12:16

t!ng wrote: It's just a KBT PurePro. Doesn't it look sweet?
Wow Lucky you! I wish I could get an industrial top like that for mine, although this listing will be way out of my price range :(

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Awake Sheep

23 May 2016, 12:25

Everybody should have that topshell, it's beautiful. It is a shame that
doesn't sell them anymore.


23 May 2016, 12:52

Yeah it is :( hope they dedide to make more in the furute, there would definitely be market for them


23 May 2016, 17:26

It's my keyboard. I got the industrial top portion a long, long time ago when Unicomp still had some. My wife has mandated a massive reduction in keyboards- I have over 50- mostly normal Ms, but I have a 3 brand new SSKs and a lot of other odd stuff. I also have a NIB 82g up on eBay aw well.

This keyboard looks awesome btw, you cannot tell it isn't a true industrial from most angles. I am also including the original top...

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Offtopicthority Instigator

23 May 2016, 17:42

missilemike wrote: ...My wife has mandated a massive reduction in keyboards...
I happen to have the same problem...unsolved sofar! :x :oops:

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