I had made the switch to left–hand mousing a year or two ago, and have been delighted with it. Although I am strongly right–handed, I have decided that mousing is a secondary task, not a primary one. Freeing my right hand for writing, operating the numpad, and answering the phone has been great.
My first vertical mouse was a right–hand knock–off of the Wow Joy Pen mouse, and I love it! It took my hand about 3 days to settle onto the proper position, but from there it has been smooth sailing. I have large hands, and kept trying to stay “up on” the mouse. When I finally realized that I needed to drag the last two fingers on the ground, they became my movers and navigators, which is far more precise than using the wrist and forearm.
As I understand it, this is not the fastest mouse for gamers, but I don’t care. Yes, they should lighten the click and improve the wheel, but the price was less than half the price of the name brand, so, even better!
But, what I really wanted, of course, was a left–hand mouse. Not only is there no cheap left–hand Chinese knock–off of the Joy mouse, apparently there is no name brand lefty, either. Damn!
As far as I can tell, the only left–hand vertical mouse is the Evoluent, so I got one.
It just plain sucks. Everything about it is wrong. The Joy is nice because it leans over at about 45 degrees toward the center so that your arm is completely natural.
I really get it – that a conventional mouse forces you to rotate your forearm about 45 degrees too far counterclockwise (the right–hand model, that is). That is a strong and valid argument. But the Evoluent is too upright! It forces your forearm to rotate 45 degrees too far – out!
But the greater problem is that it forces you to actually “hold” the mouse in a sort of clamping or pinching action. If you try to click with a finger, you have to be resisting that force with your thumb, or else the mouse moves rather than the switch activating. With a conventional flat mouse, you can simply tap the button with your finger and gravity assists you. Then if you want to push it around, that is another motion that you can do with any part of your hand, for me, it is the heel of my palm.
Bottom line – I hate the Evoluent mouse because of its upright posture, which makes it far too difficult to use, and the fact that my thumb must be involved at all times.
Does anyone know of a good left–hand, vertical mouse that is easy and comfortable to use like the Wow Joy Pen? Now that I feel how nice it is, I am very frustrated that what I want does not exist.