Pick our controller... Voting ends on Friday

The mini-xWhatsit that WCass shrunk down. It uses the same mini-controller design as Ellipse's F62/77, but with a connector meant to slip onto our PCB (inverted running parallel to the backplate)
The CommonSense that DMA has recently put together. This is young yet, but has the most long term promise (not a question). It will have a very similar connector (possibly perpendicular vs. parallel slip-on mount)
Total votes: 62


19 Nov 2016, 08:02

Once I got (& assembled, hehe) one of those, I can try to put it into a 2010 Unicomp shell for tests (old layout):


Without opening it up (it's @office, I'm @home), I'd say it got the same LED positions as the Lexmark described in BinaryHalibut's great post, and the same cable cutout.

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19 Nov 2016, 22:51

yes, an what about those winkeys and menu key then? would those caps fit? probably not, right? the space bar is too short, no menu key and the winkeys are 1u, right?

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19 Nov 2016, 23:07

tentator wrote: yes, an what about those winkeys and menu key then? would those caps fit? probably not, right? the space bar is too short, no menu key and the winkeys are 1u, right?
He would need to buy the replacement alt/ctrl/windows/menu/spacebar keys that come with the 103 configuration. As you say, the 104 key Unicomp configuration would be ill-sized for those keys.

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[ XMIT ]

19 Nov 2016, 23:43

Count me in for a small and a large kit! But please, give me a few days to sort this out. Way too much going on!

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19 Nov 2016, 23:54

I think I ordered the last two kits :-)

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20 Nov 2016, 00:01

How many kits are actually ordered, lot_lizard?

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20 Nov 2016, 00:10

POTV wrote: How many kits are actually ordered, lot_lizard?
so far... 57. I will update the 2nd and 3rd OPs with Q&A that was valuable, and stats/progress. The current information there is basically garbage, but what I have so far.

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20 Nov 2016, 00:18

57 - that's impressive, I think!

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Elder Messenger

20 Nov 2016, 00:26

lot_lizard wrote:
the 104 key Unicomp configuration would be ill-sized for those keys.
Just to unequivocally verify: the full-blown, split-space bar bottom row is:

1.5 - 1 - 1.5 - 2.75 - 2.75 - 1 - 1.5 - 1 - 1.5

and if populated with standard (1980s-90s classic) space bar plus Windows keys (@1u) it is:

1.5 - 1 - 1.5 - 6.5 - 1.5 - 1 - 1.5

and in the "classic" original configuration it is:

1.5 - separation - 1.5 - 6.5 - 1.5 - separation - 1.5

and if we are using a "classic" 1980s-1990s case and want Windows keys we will be cutting off the "separation tabs" with a Dremel?
And the original LEDs cutouts/windows will work as-is?

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20 Nov 2016, 00:40

POTV wrote: 57 - that's impressive, I think!
Couldn't agree more, and everyone did an awesome job filling out the half-a55 form... Made it very clear for me. I need to get my head more aligned around the number of switches remaining. That really determines how long this runs. We are currently on/approaching 5 days. After say 2 weeks, if I see I'm going to be sitting on quite a few, we'll advertise on GH to clear up the remainder for 1-2 weeks max. If for some reason I see I'll still be sitting on some, I'll have extra kits made to account for the switches, assemble myself, and sit on for a bit until there is a premium available (not my goal, but not going to sit around forever waiting for sales before the GB).

Having said all that... We might have less switches left than I realize. I have been more concerned that everything is filled out properly vs the actual counts of anything (couldn't even guess at SSK vs Full-size as an example). Should know shortly though

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20 Nov 2016, 00:54

fohat wrote: and if we are using a "classic" 1980s-1990s case and want Windows keys we will be cutting off the "separation tabs" with a Dremel?
And the original LEDs cutouts/windows will work as-is?
Everything quoted above is 100% correct. I will have to study the other numbers you mentioned more closely. I believe the spacebar is 7u from memory, where everything you have is correct except the 6.5u(s) would be 7u, and the 2.75 + 2.75 + 1 would be 2.75 + 2.75 + 1.5. This is all from memory though, and will confirm tomorrow morning when back home (pub crawl this evening).

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20 Nov 2016, 01:30

I have ordered one (1) SSK kit with switches and assembly for reference. I would like to follow up with at least 1 each of SSK and full-size, but without switches; I will be assembling all the others myself and supplying the switches from my supplies of spare parts.

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20 Nov 2016, 03:38

A small question, will the blanking plates for the windows keys be included by default?

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20 Nov 2016, 04:21

chzel wrote: A small question, will the blanking plates for the windows keys be included by default?
Indeed... Even if not ordering with switches, I will PM each of you about the desired layout. I will "install" the sheet metal plugs on my end ahead of time since I have a proper press, and throw in a couple of extra sheet metal blanks for future movement you might have. They take some solid pressure (you could do with a hammer), but need precision if you don't want risk missing and scratch the top plate finish. Not trying to scare, but reality. The easiest move on your end will be to use a wood, rubber, plastic block as the the "punch". Again... It's just easier for me to mess with at once for everyone
Hypersphere wrote: I have ordered one (1) SSK kit with switches and assembly for reference. I would like to follow up with at least 1 each of SSK and full-size, but without switches; I will be assembling all the others myself and supplying the switches from my supplies of spare parts.
I would never suggest or influence anyone here into doing something, but this would be my move as well. There is no threat in that we won't don't this again, but I have said since the beginning it won't be me doing it. Others are welcome to make another run at it with the eventual published plans. If reading this in the future... seek Asian manufacturing if you want to achieve anything close to our project cost, but be ready for the headaches associated with this many parts and coordination. We just have an inside track to domestic manufacturing because of personal relationships that just aren't realistic for others typically. Having said all that, it sounds like coercion... It's really not meant to be... Just being honest

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20 Nov 2016, 04:55

Btw... I plan to put some reasonably strong metrics together tomorrow about order preferences. If anyone would prefer their names weren't mentioned as participants, please PM me. As much as anything, it is to let those I haven't contacted directly already know that I did review their form, and it made perfect sense. It isn't meant to be a name dropping exercise, and wouldn't list the specific parts you actually requested. Sorry for spamming the thread with silliness, but thought it should be forewarned

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20 Nov 2016, 21:00

lot_lizard wrote: Sorry for spamming the thread with silliness, but thought it should be forewarned
Keep it up. The less surprises the better. Just.. don't run yourself into the ground with all this. Rest is important - we basically waited for 20 years for this, we can wait another month or two.

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20 Nov 2016, 22:34

DMA wrote: Just.. don't run yourself into the ground with all this. Rest is important - we basically waited for 20 years for this, we can wait another month or two.
Really appreciate (means a lot)... Having it dangling is actually more stress to me. I like bows on things quickly, otherwise I lose interest.

So back on this LED quagmire on the full-size kits. I have started another poll in the Workshop thread about options there. If you HAVE ordered an Full-Size kit, or plan to, PLEASE vote early. Essentially, I am trying to understand how many of you are comfortable with the LED panel being a drop-in replacement for the legacy Model M (meaning, the LED's are green and in the standard M location), or how many of you would either be putting these kits in LATE model Lexmark or Unicomp cases with a tighter LED layout and/or you want to try another color besides green). I can say this, regardless of the results, the only complete LED board will be the standard green M... but I am trying to decide if we should offer DIY bare boards for the others. Again... appreciate the early votes. It helps this process move along


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21 Nov 2016, 15:28

Great chance to buy a case for your MF assembly: Industrial grey case for $18 with free US shipping. Discount will be visible when you put the item in the shopping cart.

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21 Nov 2016, 16:07

miloica wrote: Great chance to buy a case for your MF assembly: Industrial grey case for $18 with free US shipping. Discount will be visible when you put the item in the shopping cart.
Such a great find... thank you for sharing. It really is a beautiful case with that black oval badge. It prompted me to check for blank cap pricing. No luck on the discount there I'm afraid :(

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21 Nov 2016, 16:19

miloica wrote: Great chance to buy a case for your MF assembly: Industrial grey case for $18 with free US shipping. Discount will be visible when you put the item in the shopping cart.
Yay! They were still in stock as of now - got two :)

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Techno Trousers
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21 Nov 2016, 16:38

miloica wrote:Great chance to buy a case for your MF assembly: Industrial grey case for $18 with free US shipping. Discount will be visible when you put the item in the shopping cart.
Awesome tip, thanks! That should definitely help anyone who was in the fence about the case. It might be worth getting extras to chop down to SSK size.

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21 Nov 2016, 16:41

DMA wrote:
miloica wrote: Great chance to buy a case for your MF assembly: Industrial grey case for $18 with free US shipping. Discount will be visible when you put the item in the shopping cart.
Yay! They were still in stock as of now - got two :)
Actually... I just got off the phone with Zack at Unicomp (awesome guy and highly helpful). They have many of these left. I picked up 10 for our overseas friends because I figured I wouldn't be getting in anyone's way. People are welcome to the ones I picked up, but if you contact me by the 29th (deal ends on the 30th), I will grab as many as we need and ship with your order. I didn't ask how long the free shipping was in play, but the discount on the case is until then. Just a reminder, you will need the LED overlay and case screws as well. US guys, there is no advantage to wait on our project, so just order directly through them.

ONE THING TO NOTE: for those of you picking up more than one kit, I am currently shipping 2 full units (assembled with switches) in a single box. If you were wanting without switches, or with switches but not assembled, I believe I can fit 3 total. If you are wanting this IBM Industrial case, you are only going to be able to fit ONE unit per box. So keep in mind that shipping and packaging costs will be higher. Again, thanks Miloica for posting.

Also, they are going to be liquidating a few IBM things between now and the end of the month (all under Warehouse Liquidation). I know some of what they are, but promised I wouldn't say. Nothing that will be interesting to our project like these indy cases (no-SSKs.. sorry), but they do have a couple of fun little jewels that people would like to have I think. So keep an eye on that page. I am going to double post this in the Workshop thread, so ignore if you are following both

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21 Nov 2016, 16:49

miloica wrote: Great chance to buy a case for your MF assembly: Industrial grey case for $18 with free US shipping. Discount will be visible when you put the item in the shopping cart.
Also, you can get 10 rubber dome boards for only 6 bucks! I bet those would be pretty good for target practice. :evilgeek:

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21 Nov 2016, 17:19

So just some quick updates... we are sitting at 60 total kits (not including what I will be placing for myself and personal gifts) thus far. Everything thing is pretty much as you would have expected based on polling with the exception that the requested switches are higher based on percentage of kits than originally polling implied (Trump STRIKES AGAIN!!!)

I think I am going to run this on DT only for another week exclusively, and then throw something on GH (maybe... still trying to decide). I would like to see the number of plates a bit higher for my friends making the run for us. We don't have an MOQ, but we would be a VERY small run for them at the moment given there are two profiles. I will reach out to folks that have been following the Workshop thread from the beginning, but haven't been active participants on the forum lately (Mu, Shreebles, etc.). If you think of folks and have better communication means than DT PM's, please reach out. I don't want anyone in the lurch, but I want a bow on this thing sooner than later.

Moral, if you are wanting switches included, "now would be the time to jump" (sleazy salesman speak)

I am dropping off one set of assembly plates from a beamspring that I sandblasted and want them to powdercoat to get the differences in tolerances after application today. We will still make ONE more prototype before purchasing, but I need to know ahead of time how the powdercoat application changes barrel tolerances.

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21 Nov 2016, 17:26

@lot_lizard: I've submitted an order for one (1) SSK with switches and assembly. I plan to submit additional orders for 1-2 SSK kits and 1-2 full-size kits w/o switches and w/o assembly. I am holding off a bit for financial reasons.

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21 Nov 2016, 19:24

How many stabilizers of which kind one will need for full/ssk ANSI/ISO?
Can't quickly find that info.
My calculations indicate 5 whites and 2 blacks for full size ANSI / 4 whites for SSK ANSI - but I'm not sure. Also have no idea about ISO.

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21 Nov 2016, 19:36

DMA wrote: Stabilizers.
How many stabilizers of which kind one will need for full/ssk ANSI/ISO?
Can't quickly find that info.
My calculations indicate 5 whites and 2 blacks for full size ANSI / 4 whites for SSK ANSI - but I'm not sure. Also have no idea about ISO.
The 5/2 and 4 are correct... but have no idea about ISO. I know the BAE has that odd little centered square stabilizer that I am not sure is available as new anywhere, but that is about my extent beyond ANSI

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21 Nov 2016, 19:46

Assuming the lead pans out (it should), I will have 14 "Code" keys so far that enable the split spacebar. If you are interested... PM. The cost will be mine (5 a piece after shipping)

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21 Nov 2016, 20:27

Stabilizer insert requirements for full size ISO Model M keyboards:

3 vertical (white on my Greenock board with black barrel plate, bright blue on my Mexican board with pearl barrel plate):
Enter: in the top position and rotated 180° from those on the numpad, where | \ is on ANSI
Numpad Enter
Numpad +

3 horizontal (olive green on my Greenock board, white on my Mexican one):
Right shift
Numpad 0

By deduction, an ISO SSK needs 1 vertical, 2 horizontal.


21 Nov 2016, 21:15

Darkshado wrote: Stabilizer insert requirements for full size ISO Model M keyboards:

3 vertical (white on my Greenock board with black barrel plate, bright blue on my Mexican board with pearl barrel plate):
Enter: in the top position and rotated 180° from those on the numpad, where | \ is on ANSI
Numpad Enter
Numpad +

3 horizontal (olive green on my Greenock board, white on my Mexican one):
Right shift
Numpad 0

By deduction, an ISO SSK needs 1 vertical, 2 horizontal.
It should be something like this (taken from a picture posted here a while ago)
Stabilizzatori 6 per IBM ISO MF.jpg
Stabilizzatori 6 per IBM ISO MF.jpg (82.09 KiB) Viewed 6987 times

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