I just started remapping my keyboard using Autohotkey, and thought that some others might be interested in it too. (Especially with all these G80-2551 being sold on ebay atm...) At first I started by reading out all of the scancodes using a (apparently pretty buggy) Keyboard Hook Script. Here are the results:
Code: Select all
Function Rows (Top): Row 1(FLTR):
SC05B SC05C SC05D SC063 SC064 SC065 SC066 SC067 SC068 SC069 SC06A SC06B
Row 2:
SC03B SC03C SC03D SC03E SC03F SC040 SC041 SC042 SC043 SC044 SC057 SC058
Function Keys on the left: Arrow Key Cluster:
SC071 SC076 SC05A SC149 SC151
SC072 SC045 SC14F SC152 SC153
SC074 SC06D SC004 SC148 SC005
SC137 SC06F SC14B SC147 SC14D
SC075 SC06C SC002 SC150 SC003
Now most of the keys can simply be remapped using an easy script using the following template:
Code: Select all
SCXXX::Send $resultingkey
Many special keys are described here: http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/Send.htm
E.g. to make the two blank buttons on the left side send the win and the menu key you would need:
Code: Select all
SC06C::Send {AppsKey}
SC075::Send {LWin}
Anyhow I hope that this helps some people out there!