Round 5 and Round 6 kits for sale!

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02 Feb 2017, 12:06

milk_stain wrote: I am at a loss for words. After waiting an excruciating year and a half fo my order, it arrives at my home while I'm away at college. I have my brother ship it to me. The anticipation culminates into into its final form. "Out for delivery" the tracking says. I wait. It doesn't come. The next day I eagerly wait again. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. The tracking still says "Out for Delivery". I contact the post office and they send me an email a few days later saying that they couldn't find it. It's never coming. Why must life be so cruel and unforgiving?
Dude that's brutal! Sorry to hear about that, I really hope it turns up somewhere. :(

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02 Feb 2017, 12:38

You've come a long way...
It's the last 5-6 km before completing your Marathon..!
Hang in there man!

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02 Feb 2017, 13:18

milk_stain wrote: I am at a loss for words. After waiting an excruciating year and a half fo my order, it arrives at my home while I'm away at college. I have my brother ship it to me. The anticipation culminates into into its final form. "Out for delivery" the tracking says. I wait. It doesn't come. The next day I eagerly wait again. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. The tracking still says "Out for Delivery". I contact the post office and they send me an email a few days later saying that they couldn't find it. It's never coming. Why must life be so cruel and unforgiving?
Seems not 100% me fault but then there was no tracking with the package:
This has been lost:

I can offer you:

But I want from you shipping and tracking paid.

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02 Feb 2017, 13:20

7bit wrote:
milk_stain wrote: I am at a loss for words. After waiting an excruciating year and a half fo my order, it arrives at my home while I'm away at college. I have my brother ship it to me. The anticipation culminates into into its final form. "Out for delivery" the tracking says. I wait. It doesn't come. The next day I eagerly wait again. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. The tracking still says "Out for Delivery". I contact the post office and they send me an email a few days later saying that they couldn't find it. It's never coming. Why must life be so cruel and unforgiving?
Seems not 100% me fault but then there was no tracking with the package:
This has been lost:

I can offer you:

But I want from you shipping and tracking paid.
If he doesn't want it, I'll take it...

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02 Feb 2017, 13:20

breh wrote: Hello,
I am very grateful to have received my order. It looks great.
I do seem to be missing a few keys and I wanted to know if they're still waiting to ship or simply forgotten.

Do I message 7bit about this?


Sorry for potato quality image.
Just have to find that ENTER key ....

But I know I have it.

BTW: only $5648.22 are missing.

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02 Feb 2017, 13:53

7bit wrote: BTW: only $5648.22 are missing.
Only $5648 to schedule R2 :?:


02 Feb 2017, 13:57

7bit wrote:
milk_stain wrote: I am at a loss for words. After waiting an excruciating year and a half fo my order, it arrives at my home while I'm away at college. I have my brother ship it to me. The anticipation culminates into into its final form. "Out for delivery" the tracking says. I wait. It doesn't come. The next day I eagerly wait again. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. The tracking still says "Out for Delivery". I contact the post office and they send me an email a few days later saying that they couldn't find it. It's never coming. Why must life be so cruel and unforgiving?
Seems not 100% me fault but then there was no tracking with the package:
This has been lost:

I can offer you:

But I want from you shipping and tracking paid.
Your shippment has arrived at the destiny. He send it to his brother and resend it to him. So it is not your fault. This is a really bad case, I hope that he send it insured, then there shouldn't be a financial problem but the loss is still very bad as you waited so long :( Normally these packages come after 2-3 weeks but sometimes it is lost forever :cry:


02 Feb 2017, 19:20

7bit wrote:
milk_stain wrote: I am at a loss for words. After waiting an excruciating year and a half fo my order, it arrives at my home while I'm away at college. I have my brother ship it to me. The anticipation culminates into into its final form. "Out for delivery" the tracking says. I wait. It doesn't come. The next day I eagerly wait again. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. It doesn't come. The tracking still says "Out for Delivery". I contact the post office and they send me an email a few days later saying that they couldn't find it. It's never coming. Why must life be so cruel and unforgiving?
Seems not 100% me fault but then there was no tracking with the package:
This has been lost:

I can offer you:

But I want from you shipping and tracking paid.
Rather than not 100% your fault, it is 100% not your fault, since it was lost on the shipment from my brother to me (unless it was wrapped in postal camouflage). So while I appreciate your offer immensely, I am unsure if it is appropriate. :| :| :|

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02 Feb 2017, 19:29

I think he means to sell you those replacement kits...

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02 Feb 2017, 19:50

All I will be missing now is F1-F12 keys. Is there any way I can be alerted if someone cancels their order and one of these kits becomes available? Looking for either grey or black.

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02 Feb 2017, 20:02

I suggest you take one of those many FUNCTION kits. These keys are much more usefull. Can you really always remember what those F1-F12 keys do?

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02 Feb 2017, 20:32

That's why I added FUNCTION3 (blue) to my order (waiting for it to be shipped...). I will have F1-F4 replaced by HELP, RENAME, SEARCH, and CLOSE.

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02 Feb 2017, 22:01

I also want blue F1-F12, but also either a blue or sph kit of double numpad sidekicks (long 0, plus and enter), or full cadet numpad, or even numnum sph. Also cursorbase blue :lol: red escape, black F1-F12 and I would kill for a black numpad or numnum.

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02 Feb 2017, 22:43

Hey, get in line. The next available black NUMPAD is mine. :evil:

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02 Feb 2017, 22:48

Ill pay doubble.

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02 Feb 2017, 23:10

Tell ya what. It's yours for the low, low price of {whatever phase 2 still needs}.

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02 Feb 2017, 23:15


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02 Feb 2017, 23:16

I swear there were not near enough black numpads. Looks like we will have to rotate one kit between us.

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02 Feb 2017, 23:39

This is nuts, we have a timeframe to slot and it should consist of all kits, but many kits do not sell and others ar sorely wanted. Cant we make a switcheroo as long as the final number of caps are the same? Then we will make the end in notime. Remove all existing and add the ones wanted keeping the volume the same and we are at the goal. I would believe SP cares mostly of how long the order takes in total and is this something else then total number of single caps?


03 Feb 2017, 08:55

7bit wrote: I've cleared some unpaid orders ...
Hi! ~
INVOICE # 0828
Why only give me 5 kits?
1111111.jpg (67.82 KiB) Viewed 5353 times

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03 Feb 2017, 09:07

enoid222 wrote:
7bit wrote: I've cleared some unpaid orders ...
Hi! ~
INVOICE # 0828
Why only give me 5 kits?
What are you missing?


03 Feb 2017, 09:12

eddible wrote:
enoid222 wrote:
7bit wrote: I've cleared some unpaid orders ...
Hi! ~
INVOICE # 0828
Why only give me 5 kits?
What are you missing?
Total 41 kits
Too many

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03 Feb 2017, 09:13

enoid222 wrote:
eddible wrote:
enoid222 wrote: Hi! ~
INVOICE # 0828
Why only give me 5 kits?
What are you missing?
Total 41 kits
Too many
Okay but what colours?


03 Feb 2017, 09:26

Okay but what colours?[/quote]
Gray, black, white

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03 Feb 2017, 09:30

enoid222 wrote:Okay but what colours?
Gray, black, white[/quote]

As has been said many, many times, these are phase 2 keycaps and have not been manufactured yet. Read back the last few pages of this thread. You won't be getting them till late this year/early 2018.


03 Feb 2017, 09:38

eddible wrote:
enoid222 wrote:Okay but what colours?
Gray, black, white
As has been said many, many times, these are phase 2 keycaps and have not been manufactured yet. Read back the last few pages of this thread. You won't be getting them till late this year/early 2018.[/quote]
Many thanks
Which of the following colors can be added by the way?
Phone network is not very good. .

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03 Feb 2017, 09:50

enoid222 wrote: Which of the following colors can be added by the way?
Not sure I get what you mean. If you want to know what's still available to buy/order, see here.


03 Feb 2017, 10:04

eddible wrote:
enoid222 wrote: Which of the following colors can be added by the way?
Not sure I get what you mean. If you want to know what's still available to buy/order, see here.
I mean: what color has not yet done?
My mobile phone network is not very good, see posts very slowly

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03 Feb 2017, 10:05

Grey, white and black. It'll be everything you're missing.


03 Feb 2017, 10:23

eddible wrote: Grey, white and black. It'll be everything you're missing.
thank :D

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