Modded and Plastidipped Siig Minitouch


15 Feb 2017, 21:12

eJwFwUsOwiAQANC7sJfhz0wvYFx4hoZQQmtaITCujHf3va_4jFMsYmfucwHYjpnb2OTkNlItsrZWz5L6MWVuFyTmlPervHmCsYjWRxeVDSoQIoJB7Yhi0BaJyBI5eDzvq1E6KqP9qq1XLt6Ulq9eqvj9AS7eJVE.jpg (116.99 KiB) Viewed 2016 times
This is a project I have been working on for a few weeks now. Originally this was a siig minitouch with Hua alps clones. I desoldered the clones, and installed lubed, paper modded and I rebent the tactile leaves for increased tactility. I also installed Soarer's converter and modded the fn key to make it remappable.
Monday the Anthracite grey plastidip arrived and I laid three coats of paint on the top and bottom of the case. Originally, I didn't like the feeling of the material but loved the color. I also wanted to protect the paint job from peeling over time. I found that spray clear coats contain acetone or other distillates that would ruin the plastidip. I settled on using spray on car wax. it provided a great layer of peel/scratch resistance as well as smoothing the texture on the case. I liked it so much I tried it on the yellowing abs space bar. A single coat and a few coats of wax later and I can comfortably say this is my new favorite board! :D

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Offtopicthority Instigator

15 Feb 2017, 21:35

Very nice work. I can appreciate this since I have a Monterey K110 that is in less than great condition. Another project on my TODO list. Really like the spacebar like that.
IMGP9509.JPG (1006.28 KiB) Viewed 2005 times


15 Feb 2017, 21:42

Thanks! The space bar I'm most pleased with. It came out with almost the same feeling as the original bare abs. the carnauba wax really did a number on the grittiness the plastidip can have.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

15 Feb 2017, 21:49

I think if I try this I might have to practise a bit before... :roll:


15 Feb 2017, 21:53

It took about three tries for me to get it right. I found warming the can up in warm water helps the dip from globbing together as it leaves the can. It's the only way I've found to get a consistent spray pattern.

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16 Feb 2017, 01:58

Plastidip does tend to level out as it dries even if it may appear bubbly and uenven on application. I know exactly what you mean, I did an entire set of Jeep rims with a similar color. I had some left over and tried it on my Ortek 84/86 spacebar the other day and then decided to immediately scrub it off due to that rubbery texture not feeling right to me, and also wanting to go with black instead. Thanks for the tip on the wax, that may solve the texture issue as I prefer Plastidip since it is technically non-destructive, although I've had mixed results removing it from things in the past including a QFR case.

Anyway, the mod looks great man, enjoy!


16 Feb 2017, 02:03

I used Turtle wax ICE spray just so you know. Sprayed it on a rag and wiped. Let it dry and wipe again until I got the feeling right.

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