How would felt work as a trampoline mod material?


04 Apr 2017, 20:33

I was just wondering how a thin layer of felt would work for a trampoline mod.

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04 Apr 2017, 22:14

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05 Apr 2017, 13:07

Hmm.. Good question. I wonder especially about the "thin" part.
Felt is used for dampening into piano key mechanisms but those are an order of a magnitude larger.


05 Apr 2017, 14:53

Ah, thank you seebart.
I was just curious, posed the question purely for speculative purposes. And yes, piano keys were the reason I asked.


07 Apr 2017, 19:57

Industrial uses of felt:
Felt is frequently used in industry as a sound or vibration damper,[38] and in machinery for cushioning and padding moving parts.[39]

I expect rubber to add a bit of softness to the bottom-out of a keyswitch, and felt material doesn't have as much give. I was thinking it would be excellent to use for people who bottom out, to deliver a quiet but solid end to the keypress.

But what do I know? I'm just the piano player. :D


07 Apr 2017, 20:12

I'm not sure if it yet exists, but I'd like to try and find a half-millimeter thick felt pad. Thinner, if possible. If that addresses your uncertainties, Findecanor?

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