F104+SSK+122+62+77+50+Ergo orders now open! New Kishsaver+Industrial Model F Keyboards


28 May 2017, 06:20

For down payments: you can place one order for everything you want using the "other payment" option, and then place a separate order for the deposit using the store item "$1 increments." Usually $100 to 200 is what people are putting for the down payment.


28 May 2017, 20:10

Typing on the ultra compact F62 prototype! Here are the first photos from the assembled compact F62:
20170528_140152.jpg (493.87 KiB) Viewed 11011 times
20170528_140221.jpg (464.6 KiB) Viewed 11011 times

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28 May 2017, 20:32

Damn, Ellipse--that is nice.

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28 May 2017, 21:05

Ok how do I change my order from F77 to F62 (non compact) :(


28 May 2017, 21:07

Feel free to send me a message or email with your order number and I can make the change!

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28 May 2017, 21:17

Ellipse wrote: Feel free to send me a message or email with your order number and I can make the change!

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28 May 2017, 21:35

I got my orders in!!!

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28 May 2017, 21:35

Ellipse can you show a new video of typing on that super sexy black beast?


28 May 2017, 21:44

Man that looks good...


29 May 2017, 01:20

@ellipse what is the difference in sound with the compact F62 compared to the classic F62? Louder/quieter, Higher/lower pitch, more/less resonance?


29 May 2017, 17:10

Mike there should be little sound difference between cases as the innards are the same. The differences are expected to be more prominent in sample to sample variation like with the originals, even among the same type of F77 or F62 keyboard.

Currently much of the difference is due to inaccurate top inner assembly parts and inaccurate spring specifications which the factory is working on correcting in the coming weeks.

Great MrDuul - sorry I don't expect to post any more videos until the factory corrects the above issues. The sound would not be representative of the final product.


29 May 2017, 21:40

Typing on the ultra compact F77 prototype! Here are the first photos from the assembled compact F77:
20170529_152631.jpg (477.16 KiB) Viewed 10765 times
20170529_152658.jpg (440.78 KiB) Viewed 10765 times

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29 May 2017, 23:51

That is pure sex.

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30 May 2017, 18:15

Wow they look so great, I'm really tempted now...
One question since I do not know the xwhatsit controller and only own tmk's so far: is it possible to configure the controller so that when I tap the right "alt, meta, ctrl and the above shift" I get cursor movements, while instead if I hold them down I get usual behaviour (alt, meta,ctrl, shift)?
If that would be possible on your controller too I'd be up for a compact F62 (that's also what I use on my 60% tmk based boards).


well also as an update: if I order a compact one now, what would be the ETA? :)

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[ XMIT ]

30 May 2017, 18:29

With lot_lizard's project in dry dock I'm considering this one again.

@Ellipse: One of your greatest contributions in this project is cutting of new molds for barrels and flippers, and iterating on a good spring design. These are necessary for your board but also enable all manner of exciting Model F community projects. In quantities of say 1000, what would be your asking price for just barrel, flipper, and spring assemblies?

I feel like you offering these assemblies to the community at cost, or with a mild reasonable markup (say 15%), would finally sway me over to buying a board from your project.


30 May 2017, 23:44

Great tentator! Yes macros are supported in xwhatsit software but tap keys would require some further updates to the code - joc has done some work with the xwhatsit firmware in recent years so you might want to ask him.

Since 500 or so keyboards have already been ordered, I would expect new orders to be delivered in Q4 17.

XMIT the pricing on the project web site reflects bulk discounts for everyone, no matter if you order 1 or 1,000. I opted not to put in place a pricing structure based on order volume but instead pass along the lowest price to everyone. I do hope you join in on the project!


01 Jun 2017, 03:37

Ellipse wrote:Great tentator! Yes macros are supported in xwhatsit software but tap keys would require some further updates to the code - joc has done some work with the xwhatsit firmware in recent years so you might want to ask him.
Do you know where the latest code lives? I'd like to look into potentially adding some features.

Just ordered an F62 and can't wait for it.


01 Jun 2017, 03:48

That would be great! I know people have been asking about TMK functionality like tap keys and others want to integrate an IBM trackpoint.

Any other features people want added to the xwhatsit firmware/GUI?

Here are the files: http://downloads.cornall.co/ibm-capsense-usb/

Project background: http://downloads.cornall.co/ibm-capsens ... e-usb.html


03 Jun 2017, 22:11

Here is the latest project update blog post - photos and descriptions of each Model F part: "What makes up a Model F Keyboard? + Detailed production status of each part"


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03 Jun 2017, 22:22

Fantastic read and absolutely wonderful pictures! Thanks for sharing Joe


03 Jun 2017, 22:30

Ellipse wrote: Here is the latest project update blog post - photos and descriptions of each Model F part: "What makes up a Model F Keyboard? + Detailed production status of each part"

Very interesting read and good summary of the progress!

Thank you!

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03 Jun 2017, 22:46

Last edited by alienman82 on 02 Mar 2018, 03:44, edited 1 time in total.


05 Jun 2017, 01:33

The factory will be preparing for assembly in the coming months. Here is the current breakdown of the different options everyone has chosen so far. We passed $245,000 last week - 533 Brand New Model F keyboards have been ordered.

Thanks to the wide variety of customizations, the factory will be assembling over 150 variations of layouts, keys, and case colors. I will ask them to put a post it or other paper on the box to number each variation so I can examine and ship each one in sequence of serial number.

The F77 has unexpectedly taken over to become the more popular keyboard compared to the F62.

We are running low on F77 early bird cases - if anyone wants to switch to F62 or F77 Black it would be appreciated!

New Production Keyboards:
F77 260
F62 191
Compact F77 44
Compact F62 38
Grand Total 533

ANSI Enter 239
HHKB-Style Split Right Shift and Split Backspace 137
HHKB-Style Split Right Shift and regular 2-unit wide backspace 101
ISO (please note which layout you want) 38
HHKB split right shift only, everything else ANSI Enter 7

Selected items:
Extra Flipper and Spring 1842
Extra Barrel 1404
4 Extra bumpers 149
Extra Plastic Stabilizer Insert for keys 147
Unprinted 1U key 89
Industrial SSK Blue Keys 84
Front-printed keys F1, etc. 77
FirstAidKit 66
Extra steel spacebar tabs (pair) 49
Extra inner foam (F62, F77, F62 split shift, F77 split shift, F107, F122) 47
Extra Set of Brand New Production XT-quality one-piece keys 45
HHKB 6 Key Set 27
Extra F77 Case 25
Apple/Mac Command-Option Keys 25
Extra F62 Case - 'Kishsaver" 23
Clear relegendable cap+squared edge stem (original IBM) 11
Extra PCB 5
Original IBM Model M keycap set (limited QTY avail.) 5
Extra top inner assembly 3

Case Orders, Excl. Extra Cases
Color: Industrial Gray 142
Color: Off-White/Beige 75
Color: Black 37
Color: Silver Gray 3
Color: True Red 3

Color: Off-White/Beige 96
Color: Industrial Gray 51
Color: Black 36
Color: True Red 7
Color: Silver Gray 1

Compact F77
Color: Black 31
Color: Gray 13

Compact F62
Color: Gray 19
Color: Black 19

Key Sets, Excl. Extra Sets
Keys: Regular printed key set (US/ANSI layout) 346
Keys: Black unprinted keys 54
Keys: Regular color blank keys 54
Keys: International layout 37
Keys: Use your own keys 29

Extra Key Sets
Full Base Key Set?: 103 Key Set with 6 Stabilizer Inserts:
Blank or Printed Base Set?: Printed (Pearl/Pebble Color) 19
Blank or Printed Base Set?: Blank Unprinted (Black Color) 12
Blank or Printed Base Set?: Blank (Pearl/Pebble Color) 5
Blank or Printed Base Set?: Printed (Blue Color) 1
Blank or Printed Base Set?: Printed 1
Full Base Key Set?: 103 Key Set with 6 Stabilizer Inserts Total 38

F77 Right Side Block
Print/ScrLock/Pause/Ins/Del etc. keys, cursor keys 181
0-9 and cursor keys 87
Unconfigured default 36

Extra Bumper Type
Bumper type: 2 Large rubber bumpers (left of photo) with screw and nut plus 2 dome (middle of photo) 48
Bumper type: 2 medium bumpers with threaded stud (second photo) + 2 other pictured bumpers (please specify in the notes) 29
Bumper type: 4 square 24
Bumper type: 4 dome (middle of photo) 13
Bumper type: 2 dome (middle of photo) + 2 small cylindrical (bottom right) 13
Bumper type: 2 dome + 2 square 9
Bumper type: 2 square (top right)+2 small cylindrical (bottom right) 9
Bumper type: 4 Cork 3
Bumper type: 2 medium bumpers with threaded stud (second photo) + 2 cylindrical bumpers 1
Grand Total 149

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05 Jun 2017, 02:24

Ellipse wrote: Layouts:
ANSI Enter 239
HHKB-Style Split Right Shift and Split Backspace 137
HHKB-Style Split Right Shift and regular 2-unit wide backspace 101
ISO (please note which layout you want) 38
HHKB split right shift only, everything else ANSI Enter 7
Wait wouldnt "HHKB-Style Split Right Shift and regular 2-unit wide backspace" be the same as "HHKB split right shift only, everything else ANSI Enter"

"HHKB split right shift only, everything else ANSI Enter" isnt even an option on the website.

This is the layout I thought was "HHKB-Style Split Right Shift and regular 2-unit wide backspace"


05 Jun 2017, 03:59

Matt the difference is just the placement of Caps Lock and Left Ctrl.

The former option reverses the Left Ctrl/Caps Lock and both options reverse the Fn/Shift so that the right shift area is 1.75U shift on the left side of where the big right shift would be, and the 1U Fn key is on the right of the right shift area as pictured above.

The pictured keys are blank so they can be either of the above two options.

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05 Jun 2017, 05:09

Ellipse wrote: Matt the difference is just the placement of Caps Lock and Left Ctrl.

The former option reverses the Left Ctrl/Caps Lock and both options reverse the Fn/Shift so that the right shift area is 1.75U shift on the left side of where the big right shift would be, and the 1U Fn key is on the right of the right shift area as pictured above.

The pictured keys are blank so they can be either of the above two options.
Ah ok.

I would like the "HHKB split right shift only, everything else ANSI Enter" then. Do I need to change my order? Its only down to programming at that point.


05 Jun 2017, 06:17

ok, updated your order!

For the 5% of orders who picked the bring your own keys option and have not selected an original key set, I hope you reconsider a set of one piece XT-quality keys being made from brand new molds. The cost would just be the difference from the base cost without keys and the cost of the keys you want per the web site.

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05 Jun 2017, 06:33

Ellipse wrote: ok, updated your order!

For the 5% of orders who picked the bring your own keys option and have not selected an original key set, I hope you reconsider a set of one piece XT-quality keys being made from brand new molds. The cost would just be the difference from the base cost without keys and the cost of the keys you want per the web site.

I normally would but the reason I'm not is because I have a quite rare kickass original IBM green typesetting keyset from a Model M. There gonna look amazing with the industrial color I picked :)


05 Jun 2017, 13:31

Interesting, what is the layout and part number of that one?


05 Jun 2017, 15:46

Did you get that from orihalcon, I saw he had a keyboard with green secondary legends a while back. I am still kicking myself for not getting that.

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