Post your deskthority header images here


10 Jun 2017, 19:59

Who is the current "head honcho guy in charge of headers"? :D I have a request...

Can we please get rid of my keypad header (blurry, bad angle):


...and replace it with my blue Micro Switch header that I much preferred, which is now inactive:


I also want to put descriptions on my headers, which at the moment all say "No info available". How do I do that - and is there a proper format, like username/keyboard/switch/description?

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10 Jun 2017, 20:03

mr_a500 wrote: Who is the current "head honcho guy in charge of headers"? :D I have a request...
Since Muirium is gone matt3o is handling the headers (amongst much else).

I like both of those, in fact I might have suggested your Micro Switch keypad.

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10 Jun 2017, 20:16

I've put the DT keycaps, just because of... well... DT :P

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13 Jun 2017, 16:04

seebart wrote:
mr_a500 wrote: Who is the current "head honcho guy in charge of headers"? :D I have a request...
Since Muirium is gone matt3o is handling the headers (amongst much else).

I like both of those, in fact I might have suggested your Micro Switch keypad.
Will he ever return? I hope so, since he's gone the overall pace has slowed down here...


14 Jun 2017, 03:09

ICL header.jpg

Edit: No, I don't think they quite work. I want my blue keyboard back! wah, wah!
Last edited by mr_a500 on 14 Jun 2017, 20:46, edited 2 times in total.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

14 Jun 2017, 10:43

mr_a500 wrote: Edit: No, I don't think they quite work. I want my blue keyboard back! wah, wah!
I like both, I've used that top image here before but this works well.


14 Jun 2017, 20:49

I think this works better:
ICL header2.jpg
(I originally "seebarted" it, but it'll probably get missed that way. "Seebarting" seems to only work for seebart.)

...and of course, this one :D

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Offtopicthority Instigator

14 Jun 2017, 21:00

mr_a500 wrote: (I originally "seebarted" it, but it'll probably get missed that way. "Seebarting" seems to only work for seebart.)
That is correct although I don't seebart so much anymore, meme's are my bad habit of choice these days. Anyway all four headers work well so no need to edit anything around anymore. :mrgreen:

Thing is matt3o does not update the headers much anymore after I bombarded this thread with many brilliant headers for months and months (those last 81 months when you held your Canadian grizzly wintersleep). :maverick:

This one is my fave:
ICL header2.jpg
ICL header2.jpg (60.86 KiB) Viewed 15749 times


17 Jun 2017, 21:13

mr_a500 wrote: I also want to put descriptions on my headers, which at the moment all say "No info available". How do I do that - and is there a proper format, like username/keyboard/switch/description?
Why is my question being ignored?

I was perfectly happy with my headers being used without credit before, but now that we have this info thing, I want to have the same credit for my work as everybody else here has for their headers. If that's too much to ask for, then delete all my current headers:









17 Jun 2017, 21:16

Add your desired info to the pictures in your post and wait for matt3o to add them? He seems to be a busy person these days, so have some faith an patience :)

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Offtopicthority Instigator

17 Jun 2017, 21:43

mr_a500 wrote:
mr_a500 wrote: I also want to put descriptions on my headers, which at the moment all say "No info available". How do I do that - and is there a proper format, like username/keyboard/switch/description?
Why is my question being ignored?

I was perfectly happy with my headers being used without credit before, but now that we have this info thing, I want to have the same credit for my work as everybody else here has for their headers. If that's too much to ask for, then delete all my current headers:
No one is ignoring you, tell me EXACTLY what the captions are supposed to read and I'll add them and stopp yapping like a Canadian yackety-yack. Also ENABLE your PM's ! :x :!:


I added "By mr_a500" to those you listed since I don't know what keyboards exactly those are. The reason they were not captioned is because you were absent for quite a long time and I cannot remember all those keyboards.

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18 Jun 2017, 08:43

mr_a500 wrote: Why is my question being ignored?

I was perfectly happy with my headers being used without credit before, but now that we have this info thing, I want to have the same credit for my work as everybody else here has for their headers. If that's too much to ask for, then delete all my current headers:
I love the right attitude first thing in the morning

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Offtopicthority Instigator

18 Jun 2017, 09:06

matt3o wrote: I love the right attitude first thing in the morning
I did not know who's images those were and he was absent for many months! There are still a few active ones that I cannot caption since I don't recognise them. :roll: :(

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18 Jun 2017, 09:10

seebart wrote:
matt3o wrote: I love the right attitude first thing in the morning
I did not know who's images those were and he was absent for many months! There are still a few active ones that I cannot caption since I don't recognise them. :roll: :(
sorry, mate. bear with me I hadn't coffee yet. My message was not mean to you of course. On the contrary, thank you for all your help!

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18 Jun 2017, 09:16

There is no problem here, mr_a500 asked for his headers to be captioned and I did although I don't know the details of the keyboards but we can add those later. webwit added the header "i" information button while mr_a500 was absent which is why mr_a500's headers had no description.

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18 Jun 2017, 09:25

I removed the banners, just to be safe. Room for new banners! What are you waiting for?

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18 Jun 2017, 18:09

matt3o wrote: I removed the banners, just to be safe. Room for new banners! What are you waiting for?

Alright matt3o, here's a selection of the recent "best of the best" we never used: :P
TDDFutabaEngicoder1.jpg (153.51 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
rama1.jpg (171.46 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
ohaimarkBeamRestore2.jpg (229.12 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
madhiasdesk.jpg (156.27 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
ICL header.jpg
ICL header.jpg (16.14 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
HallsensorsSlom3.jpg (166.78 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
greatwhite.jpg (198.67 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
goupil.jpg (153.23 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
DSCF6527_01-heading1.jpg (136.06 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
dolch2.jpg (201.89 KiB) Viewed 15572 times
cookieHHKBsticker.jpg (134.35 KiB) Viewed 15572 times


19 Jun 2017, 19:28

banner_keypad.JPG (87.65 KiB) Viewed 15297 times
banner_keypad2.JPG (101.71 KiB) Viewed 15297 times
Last edited by Slom on 01 Jul 2017, 16:01, edited 2 times in total.

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19 Jun 2017, 21:21

dashboard255 was one of mine, info should be something like "Alps SKCM Browns, SKCL Greens, and SKCM Blues" optionally followed by "(lovingly hoarded by Scarpia)" :-D

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19 Jun 2017, 21:23

Scarpia wrote: dashboard255 was one of mine, info should be something like "Alps SKCM Browns, SKCL Greens, and SKCM Blues" optionally followed by "(lovingly hoarded by Scarpia)" :-D
Which one is "dashboard255" ? :roll: :?:

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20 Jun 2017, 09:34

The army of bare alps switches with lots of blur

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20 Jun 2017, 11:38

Scarpia wrote: The army of bare alps switches with lots of blur
It already had the following caption:
Unbenannt.JPG (36.5 KiB) Viewed 15490 times
Changed it to:
Unbenannt2.JPG (40.83 KiB) Viewed 15490 times

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20 Jun 2017, 20:31

Oh it did? I thought it didn't have a caption. Is there a place where we can check the current header images *and* captions? I checked on and couldn't find any header for my pic.


20 Jun 2017, 20:39

Mouse over the image and then click the little i icon in the bottom right.

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21 Jun 2017, 21:49

Um... isn't something wrong with this caption? Dyesub?
Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 21.47.55.png
Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 21.47.55.png (575.63 KiB) Viewed 15434 times

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Offtopicthority Instigator

21 Jun 2017, 22:39

Scarpia wrote: Um... isn't something wrong with this caption? Dyesub?
The attachment Screen Shot 2017-06-21 at 21.47.55.png is no longer available
The guy is banned let it go. :lol:
lexmarkkingpin.jpg (113.2 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
labelmaker.jpg (147.91 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
DTkeycapseebart.jpg (173.67 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
colores.jpg (156.34 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
AlpsCustom.jpg (259 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
3277sixtysixkey.jpg (147.03 KiB) Viewed 15275 times
3277ipreferpie.jpg (211.31 KiB) Viewed 15244 times
Last edited by seebart on 02 Jul 2017, 22:50, edited 4 times in total.

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24 Jun 2017, 23:39

So this is where those gorgeous banner images come from! I always wondered.

I don't have any images to contribute at the moment—but as soon as we've finished moving and my keyboard stuff is set up properly again, I'll be glad to take and submit some nice studio-style shots of a few lesser-seen board details.

Meanwhile, thanks for the fantastic pictures! Some of the vintage ones are particularly fun—they take me right back to my teens, and the early years of widespread computing. Cheers, A.


01 Jul 2017, 16:02

ipreferpie's 3277 beamspring PCB
3277.jpg (183.27 KiB) Viewed 15311 times

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Offtopicthority Instigator

02 Jul 2017, 21:48

Slom wrote: ipreferpie's 3277 beamspring PCB
Very nice Slom, I added some to my last post but we got more than enough anyway.
flowerlandfilmsSGI.jpg (171.86 KiB) Viewed 15144 times
busySSK.jpg (162.27 KiB) Viewed 15103 times
Last edited by seebart on 06 Nov 2017, 07:48, edited 2 times in total.

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05 Jul 2017, 00:57

BimboBB wrote: one more banner :)
does anyone know from which board this is ?

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