[KEYS ARRIVED] Round 3 Moogle Kits

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23 Mar 2012, 17:58

I haven't got a dolch set yet :)

I'm not that bothered about getting one, If there's the option to have a set of (tab,caps,shifts,alt,ctrl,enter,delete) in the dolch dark colour, I can use them without the alpha/number sets and it not look totally out of place :)

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23 Mar 2012, 18:00

Taeyoung wrote:
hashbaz wrote: Thanks man. There's no 7x spacebar currently, though I suppose there could be if you wanted to order a bunch of them.
How many should I order to revive the 7x spacebar option?
Would you please let me know the unit price ?
How many posts do they need, to have, and what keyboards do they need to fit?

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23 Mar 2012, 18:48

Taeyoung, you want 7x spacebar to replace the used, shiny genuine Cherry spacebars?

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23 Mar 2012, 21:21

dirge wrote:I haven't got a dolch set yet :)

I'm not that bothered about getting one, If there's the option to have a set of (tab,caps,shifts,alt,ctrl,enter,delete) in the dolch dark colour, I can use them without the alpha/number sets and it not look totally out of place :)
I see what you're getting at. The only thing about the space is that it's a different color than the mods. ;) That said, if you're looking for one, you might also check to see if SP has any 7x spacebars in GE color. That's the color code that will match the alpha keys on a Dolch set.
Dolch_Alpha_04.jpg (200.88 KiB) Viewed 8520 times

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24 Mar 2012, 06:19

More price drops:

Code: Select all

Kit name    Old price    New price
SPACE_bl      $4            $3
FULLMOD_bl    $38           $30
STEPCAPS_wh   $10           $7
FULLMOD_wh    $38           $26

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27 Mar 2012, 06:03

Third price drop!

Code: Select all

Kit name      Old price  New price
15MOD_bl        $37        $26
STEPCAPS_bl     $10        $7
FULLMOD_bl      $30        $26
BASEKIT_bl      $29        $26
ISOADAPT_wh     $16        $13
BASEKIT_dl      $29        $27
STEPCAPS_dl     $15        $10
FULLMOD_dl      $30        $28

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27 Mar 2012, 08:16

about how long will this be open?
i'm really interested, but am moving soon and dunno how when and how much money i'll have available...

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27 Mar 2012, 19:31

byFd wrote:about how long will this be open?
i'm really interested, but am moving soon and dunno how when and how much money i'll have available...
I'll be taking orders for at least another week. Beyond that it's hard to say, but it could be longer. Watch this thread and the corresponding geekhack thread for news.

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28 Mar 2012, 10:25

More price breaks:

$26 ==> $19 BASEKIT_bl
$19 ==> $16 BASEKIT_wh
$06 ==> $04 BLANKMOD_wh
$13 ==> $10 ISOADAPT_wh
$26 ==> $16 FULLMOD_wh
$28 ==> $19 FULLMOD_dl
Last edited by hashbaz on 28 Mar 2012, 19:58, edited 1 time in total.

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28 Mar 2012, 11:46

BASEKIT_wh is listed 2 times in your last post with different prices. but as the prices go that low, i'll probably can afford one :)

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28 Mar 2012, 20:00

byFd wrote:BASEKIT_wh is listed 2 times in your last post with different prices. but as the prices go that low, i'll probably can afford one :)
Oops, fixed. The $13==>$10 line should have been ISOADAPT_wh. :)

If we get to 100 base kits, the price will probably drop to $15. I don't see us getting any breaks higher than that.

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30 Mar 2012, 05:28

Minor price drop.

$10 ==> $6 BACKSPACE_wh


30 Mar 2012, 05:42

Order sent. Thanks!

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31 Mar 2012, 06:55

Couple more price drops:

$26 ==> $19 FULLMOD_bl
$6 ==> $4 BLANKMOD_dl

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05 Apr 2012, 08:38

More price drops:

$16 ==> $15 BASEKIT_wh
$3 ==> $2 SPACEBAR_wh
$4 ==> $3 BLANKMOD_wh
$27 ==> $18 BASEKIT_dl
$4 ==> $3 SPACEBAR_dl

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06 Apr 2012, 15:28

Interested, for sure. Hesitant moneywise though.. Sad noones dropping the caps/ctrl set, bloody expensive now.
Having just checked out bank transfer to the US (not looking good, around E10 at least for the banks' greed), any alternatives? (paypal I won't get) Guessing I'll have to see if someone EU based would be willing to payproxy for me.

Any chance of reposting those geekhack pics of these (capcolour) caps? Seeing how I can't see them on GH without login (annoying how some attachments are doing that; no clue why).
And when are you planning to stop the orders, final date set yet?

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07 Apr 2012, 09:32

Yeah, not many were interested in the caps lock swap kits. I think the OP here has all the pictures that are in the GH thread.

I'm going to freeze orders soon. Sunday or Monday probably. I'm not accepting anything other than paypal, so a proxy is probably your best bet.

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07 Apr 2012, 16:12

man, i'm going blind from staring through the pages on that gh thread-
*still didn't manage to find a working picture of the dolches or black on a board with white/standard alphas.. anyone care to point me to a pic (w/o gh account)?
*Also, to be sure: the modifiers are actually not the specified colour, but the one that normally goes with it on a board (but the '\' and 'space' are?); just the greyish colour that modifiers normally come in on the whiteish boards?
*And the seperately orderable 'space' is the exact colour ordered (so different from the 'base_xx' set)?
Oh, change the title to reflect LAST CHANCE or something, that should pick up a few more for sure :)

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07 Apr 2012, 23:53

Not quite sure what pics you're looking for, off, but I think these might address your concerns. Here's a pic of my two boards, both Filco, with Dolch sets on them (minus the needed Moogle bits, natch).
IMG_0867.JPG (161.82 KiB) Viewed 8199 times
And here are a couple of pics that litster posted to show what Moogle mods look like with black or white Cherry alphas.
Dolch Moogle Kit Sample-1.jpg
Dolch Moogle Kit Sample-1.jpg (185.53 KiB) Viewed 8199 times
Dolch Moogle Kit Sample-2.jpg
Dolch Moogle Kit Sample-2.jpg (193.22 KiB) Viewed 8199 times

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08 Apr 2012, 01:21

Thanks for posting the pictures, gimpster.
off wrote:man, i'm going blind from staring through the pages on that gh thread-
*still didn't manage to find a working picture of the dolches or black on a board with white/standard alphas.. anyone care to point me to a pic (w/o gh account)?
*Also, to be sure: the modifiers are actually not the specified colour, but the one that normally goes with it on a board (but the '\' and 'space' are?); just the greyish colour that modifiers normally come in on the whiteish boards?
*And the seperately orderable 'space' is the exact colour ordered (so different from the 'base_xx' set)?
Oh, change the title to reflect LAST CHANCE or something, that should pick up a few more for sure :)
Sorry, I didn't put any pictures of any actual keys or keyboards in the OP -- just the mockup images. I don't understand what you are getting at with the colors. The black moogle keys will match black Cherry doubleshots (all black). The white moogle keys will match white Cherry doubleshots (white + grey modifiers). The Dolch moogle keys will match Dolch doubleshots (grey + dark grey modifiers).

As for the thread title, I'm actually considering keeping orders open for another week. I'm going to be out of town all next week, and collecting money and keeping the thread updated during that time will be tough.

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08 Apr 2012, 03:38

gimpster, awesome, they absolutely do. TYVM! hashbaz, same.
litster's pic shows how close dolch and black look alike, and how off dolch on white is to me. Will be going with whites only I think (got a proxy!).
@hash- the individual spacebar is the same as in the kit?
The other q is answered- was wondering if the mods came in actual white instead of gray.

Lovely green shift on white btw.

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08 Apr 2012, 03:46

off wrote:Lovely green shift on white btw.
Yes, I just wish I had the R and the B to complete the set. :) But those should be coming from another gb soon.

Glad the pics helped. :) I actually think the Dolch mods look really nice with the white alphas.

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08 Apr 2012, 04:01

And I personally dislike RGB mods; just one colour I do like (just one mod different on each side) or the other rgb mods with just the letters in colour, those I digg. That reminds me, quadrupleshots are wicked too. rarity&pricewise esp.
and yes the classical beauty of dolch... :o

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08 Apr 2012, 06:45

off wrote::D
gimpster, awesome, they absolutely do. TYVM! hashbaz, same.
litster's pic shows how close dolch and black look alike, and how off dolch on white is to me. Will be going with whites only I think (got a proxy!).
@hash- the individual spacebar is the same as in the kit?
The other q is answered- was wondering if the mods came in actual white instead of gray.

Lovely green shift on white btw.
Yes, the extra space bars match the ones in the kits.

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10 Apr 2012, 00:31

I'm going to be out of town for a week starting Tuesday 10 April. I'll be back the following Monday. My Internet access during my trip will very likely be limited, so expect my responsiveness to PMs and orders to be patchy. I plan to start collecting payments shortly after I return.

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13 Apr 2012, 12:17

gimpster wrote: The only thing about the space is that it's a different color than the mods. ;)
Seemingly implying that the 'spacebar', despite the mockup in the OP, will be the same colour as the modifiers; which in turn could imply that that goes for the '\' as well... Correct?
*basically asking if there are three keycolours in this groupbuy or five; grey/white, dolchdark/light, black*

Order put in, but am still curious; if anyone does know.
And bump since op can't.

*edit: please read his quoted post+context in full to grasp the implication; reading just this post makes me seem illiterate, but really, I'm not. afaik. :P
Last edited by off on 15 Apr 2012, 15:41, edited 1 time in total.

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13 Apr 2012, 19:16

Hahaha, you're killing me "off". :) Keyboards throughout history have almost always been two different color schemes...modifier keys (keys that don't produce printable characters) get one color (usually the darker of the two) and then other keys (aka "alpha" keys) get a different color (usually the lighter of the two).

On the base kit, the spacebar is the only key that will be the correct color to match the alpha keys on your donor set of key caps, since all the other keys in this set are modifiers. If you get the ISO adapter kit, then you will also get a \| key that will also be in the correct color to match the alpha keys on your donor set of key caps. All of the other keys being offered are modifiers, so they will be the correct color to match the modifiers on your donor set of key caps.

Hopefully that clears it up. :)

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14 Apr 2012, 12:42

wuts a moogle?

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The Tiproman

14 Apr 2012, 13:57

hamza_tm wrote:wuts a moogle?

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14 Apr 2012, 21:35

gimpster wrote:Hahaha, you're killing me "off". :) Keyboards throughout history have almost always been two different color schemes...
Hopefully that clears it up. :)
Thanks for killing my questions ;)

And as you say, 'almost always', esp with the shots I've seen of the kbc monocolour caps; I was initially quite looking forward to a doubleshot all-white board :P
BUT, what you're saying nOw implies that the spacebar_dl is actually the correct dolch alpha colour, so your earlier remark at dirge would be false, and dirge would already be golden... confusion continues :evilgeek:

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