DIY Topre(HHKB) Red Control Key


26 Mar 2012, 03:35

Hey guys,
I have been lusting after a red control key for quite some time and just couldn't stand it anymore and decided to make my own. I am still working out some of the kinks in the casting process, but I am getting there little by little. Anyways enough talk here are some pics.

Keep in mind that these are just the first ones. Still working out the bubbles and getting the stem to fully form.

I also was working on making a key cap out of a rock lol but that is another story all together here is a pic (Still in progress)

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26 Mar 2012, 03:50

That ROCK key is a rare idea :P

You're improving the keys. Hope you end up with nice samples.

I managed to copy the key top pretty easily with Green Stuff but can't find a good way to reproduce the stem, maybe I can sculpt myself.


26 Mar 2012, 03:52

I made a two piece mold using alumilite products, but the stem is still very hard to get perfect


26 Mar 2012, 05:30


I was able to get the stem fully formed woo whooo!! Only problem was that the key was a little darker red then I was going for so I will keep trying until I run out of resin.

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Wild Duck

26 Mar 2012, 05:39

Nice going. When can we be expecting skulls?


26 Mar 2012, 05:53

Hahaha I am a long way from anything that cool, Plus I doubt my GF will let me do anything like this on the kitchen table again lol


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Gasbag Guru

26 Mar 2012, 07:32

That actually looks really nice. Things like these would work out better if your girlfriend also had a crazy passion, that table really is a mess.


26 Mar 2012, 16:37

You need to cover the table more. Silicone can be really vile; hard to get off. Urethane can be very hard to remove from wood because it seeps in.

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26 Mar 2012, 16:45

Have you tried using Polymorph?


26 Mar 2012, 18:38

Those look pretty damn good.

Do you have carpet under the kitchen table? That must suck...


26 Mar 2012, 19:16

dirge wrote:Have you tried using Polymorph?
I had never heard of that until you posted about it. After a quick google search I see how this material could be beneficial. Although it looks like it may be hard to manipulate especially because I lack any basic sculpting abilities lol.


26 Mar 2012, 19:19

Findecanor wrote:You need to cover the table more. Silicone can be really vile; hard to get off. Urethane can be very hard to remove from wood because it seeps in.
Yes, I found that out the hard way. Although for the most part when the resin drys it comes right off pretty much anything. Still a pain though.
rodtang wrote:Those look pretty damn good.

Do you have carpet under the kitchen table? That must suck...
Yes carpet in the little apartment, Luckily I was able to keep the carpet nice and clean :)

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26 Mar 2012, 20:30

You can force it into a mold too. Its cheap and handy.


26 Mar 2012, 20:32

dirge wrote:You can force it into a mold too. Its cheap and handy.
I wonder if you can dye it as well. Also I wonder how malleable the material is as well since some of the undercuts in the mold are so tiny.

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26 Mar 2012, 22:46

Very cool work.

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27 Mar 2012, 04:25

Very nice!
Is it possible to do this with black caps? Or does the color get all dark and ugly if I do that on my black topre keys?

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27 Mar 2012, 10:15

You must absolutely write a tutorial!

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27 Mar 2012, 11:43

[quote="whiskerBox]I wonder if you can dye it as well. Also I wonder how malleable the material is as well since some of the undercuts in the mold are so tiny.[/quote]

Yes you can colour it, just acrylic paint mixed into it when forming.

You looked at release sprays for your moulds?


27 Mar 2012, 20:08

Icarium wrote:You must absolutely write a tutorial!
There is a pretty good guide on GH found here

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31 Mar 2012, 14:41

Sooo, any updates? Like on that heavy control 8-) ?


01 Apr 2012, 18:55

off wrote:Sooo, any updates? Like on that heavy control 8-) ?
No, I have kind of been taking a break from molding and casting so that I could make some cables. I have been trying to raise money to go to DEFCON in Vegas so this has been my new venture ... Cable-Shop

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01 Apr 2012, 19:35

Funny, I just ran into that through dan's dual review on that mousepad and your cabling venture :)
Don't need one myself, but GL, looking good!
edit: Incidentally, what's with all the GH attachments that you need to log in for, it's not with every one, but for instance yours on that cabling thread I'd have to- and I don't have an account there (health reasons) though long-time lurker..


04 Apr 2012, 20:32

Impressive, surprised the stem came out as well as it did.

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