Stuff you just bought

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16 Aug 2018, 21:19

The stems in the first pic I posted are look very ALSP-esk, the lock lights on CAPS and CODE are a dead giveaway, and it has that distinctive sculpted alps spherical look to the caps.

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16 Aug 2018, 21:56

because only Alps used that kind of mould

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20 Aug 2018, 22:59

Dang it, just checked eBay for something else entirely and ended up picking this fine Model M with OG APL keys.
apl.jpg (188.16 KiB) Viewed 14197 times

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21 Aug 2018, 01:10

Just got an Apple Numeric Keypad IIe (a011045) and it has ALPS SKCC tall black. Those aren't pictured or measured on the wiki so I'll see about getting some pictures sometime soon. (I'll use a nicer camera than my mavica though :lol: )

mcmaxmcmc wrote: I don't think that's black alps, or an alps switch at all... What switch is THAT?? :shock:
It was an alps switch. PCB has the logo and so do the switches. It's a slider over membrane thing that looked a bit like one of the Alps semi-integrated dome switches, but the sliders are black. The two switches with light windows are skcl green. It arrived with 3 broken caps which is a major bummer especially since I can't seem to get the pieces out of the slider. Unless the seller can magically pull a few spare caps out of thin air I'll be waiting on a nonfunctional one to show up somewhere.

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30 Aug 2018, 23:38

Just bought this partial set of custom keys for a Model M. I had been looking for a single missing key (among others for another board for months) so it was a bit of a relief.
ibmkeys.jpg (54.84 KiB) Viewed 14114 times


30 Aug 2018, 23:49

JP! wrote: Just bought this partial set of custom keys for a Model M. I had been looking for a single missing key (among others for another board for months) so it was a bit of a relief.
ibmkeys.jpg ... ondition=4

they got some more if youre interested

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30 Aug 2018, 23:54

I pretty much have a full set now but I just realized there is one other missing key to this set. I know someone with this key but they want to sell the whole keyboard.
alt.jpg (20.79 KiB) Viewed 14088 times
What mine looks like:

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ALPS キーボード

31 Aug 2018, 00:58

This is what mine looks like. :lol:


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31 Aug 2018, 01:00

Was that like a limited edition sold by Unicomp?


31 Aug 2018, 01:02

JP! wrote: Was that like a limited edition sold by Unicomp?
yes, not many sold. Blaise's was from a old lady in my city whos friend was a wildcats fan and bought it for their birthday

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31 Aug 2018, 21:49

Tai-Hao Tomcat ALPS keycaps for my AT101W project. Also 200 Matias click switches, I tried Tai-Hao switches, but they were very inconsistent with the clicks, so they get to stay in only the numpad and F-row.

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01 Sep 2018, 03:01

My gf fouind this at goodwill for $3. I don't have any way to use it which is a shame as my girlfriend really likes the f keys.

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ALPS キーボード

01 Sep 2018, 03:23

Are those complicated or simplified Alps? I wasn't aware that Datadesk used SKCL keys for LEDs.

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01 Sep 2018, 03:45

zrrion wrote: My gf found this at goodwill for $3. I don't have any way to use it which is a shame as my girlfriend really likes the f keys.
Nice. All I have ever found at my Goodwill are shined-up rubber domes. I stopped going altogether as it was such a waste of gas.

Is it ADB? There are converters to USB.


01 Sep 2018, 04:13

adc weird.png
adc weird.png (887.71 KiB) Viewed 13990 times
Bought this weird ADC branded keyboard off of ebay, its caps and switches are cherry made (vintage black with diodes) but the case does not appear to be cherry. one more for my collection of antiquated layout vintage cherry stuff

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01 Sep 2018, 05:52

Blaise170 wrote: complicated or simplified Alps?
The whites are simplified. I haven't checked the yellows because the LEDs prevent me from opening them easily, but I can't imagine why they wouldn't be simple as well.
and yeah, it is ADB (there are three ADB ports in the back) I just don't own any converters so I can't test it.

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06 Sep 2018, 13:15

I got an Olivetti snap action keyboard yesterday like the one haata documented here photos-f62/olivetti-l1-ank-1426-t14649.html. Interestingly at least the PCB seems to be Alps made in mine. I wonder whether Alps just supplied the PCB or the whole switch is Alps made. ImageIMG_3034

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14 Sep 2018, 20:09

Got this today. Lovely blue Cherry dyesubs - beyond belief! (potato warning...)
20180914_193648.jpg (4.5 MiB) Viewed 13825 times

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14 Sep 2018, 20:24

Keybug wrote: Got this today. Lovely blue Cherry dyesubs - beyond belief! (potato warning...)
Nice find !!

though I have to wonder, is it the late model where mods are unusable ?

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29 Sep 2018, 00:00

Spent the day going to the goodwills near me and picked up logitech mice and a logitech trackball, a cannon S-60, and a Japanese layout alps keyboard with ALPS SKBM Grey switches. This was a good haul and I think my significant other may be good luck.
(album here)

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29 Sep 2018, 01:29

That's a nice haul. I went to a Goodwill yesterday but found two sad rubber domes. I was planning on taking a day of to raid all the Goodwill's and Salvation Army stores in a single day. Looks like you cleaned them out already :lol:

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29 Sep 2018, 04:04

I only hit north side of Indy and I stayed inside 465 for the most part so the rest of the city should be unpicked.

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08 Oct 2018, 16:14

I ordered a bunch of GH80-3000 PCBs I'm thinking of dremeling out the insides of a bunch of rubber domes and sticking them in, to make some "sleeper" mechs.
Not very practical but should be fun!


11 Oct 2018, 22:09

Rohde & Schwarz PCA-Z1 keyboard. The board uses plate mounted mx blacks and the case is sandwich mounted between the bottom plastic case and the top metal cover. Apparently the board doesn't seem to be produced by Cherry (no Cherry Sticker and a rather uncommon pcb design) so I suspect that just switches and caps were ordered and assembly made by another company.

Here are the pictures:

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The Tiproman

12 Oct 2018, 09:03

hansichen wrote: Rohde & Schwarz PCA-Z1 keyboard. The board uses plate mounted mx blacks and the case is sandwich mounted between the bottom plastic case and the top metal cover. Apparently the board doesn't seem to be produced by Cherry (no Cherry Sticker and a rather uncommon pcb design) so I suspect that just switches and caps were ordered and assembly made by another company.

Here are the pictures:
Now that was a good catch (even if you weren't the first buyer)!
For anyone interested, I have one of those (but not from that haul) with a slightly damaged keycap for sale.


12 Oct 2018, 14:35

kbdfr wrote:
hansichen wrote: Rohde & Schwarz PCA-Z1 keyboard. The board uses plate mounted mx blacks and the case is sandwich mounted between the bottom plastic case and the top metal cover. Apparently the board doesn't seem to be produced by Cherry (no Cherry Sticker and a rather uncommon pcb design) so I suspect that just switches and caps were ordered and assembly made by another company.

Here are the pictures:
Now that was a good catch (even if you weren't the first buyer)!
For anyone interested, I have one of those (but not from that haul) with a slightly damaged keycap for sale.
Yes, that's where I got mine from :D I was always curious about those boards but the ones on ebay are normally listed at 150-300€ which is a bit too much for me :lol: Sadly they don't seem to be convertible with that connector

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17 Oct 2018, 21:56

These things.
clones.PNG (520.16 KiB) Viewed 13505 times

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18 Oct 2018, 02:01

zrrion wrote: This was a good haul and I think my significant other may be good luck.
Never disregard a woman when it comes to picking up any special deals, it's almost like within their DNA.

The Mrs can narrow down almost any product or goods where ever it's located, they are indeed far superior in that regard.

Makes me look good when we go shopping, I always end up carrying everything, which is what I'm good at.

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The Tiproman

18 Oct 2018, 15:53

Elrick wrote: […] Never disregard a woman when it comes to […] […] […] they are indeed far superior in that regard. […]
Some day you'll discover women are at least equal to men in nearly any regard :lol:

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19 Oct 2018, 08:33

kbdfr wrote:
Elrick wrote: […] Never disregard a woman when it comes to […] […] […] they are indeed far superior in that regard. […]
Some day you'll discover women are at least equal to men in nearly any regard :lol:
Depends upon which areas.

When it comes to inflicting pain and revenge upon their victims, they are supreme with no other equals. Hence why I try never to piss her off with certain things.

She knows too much about me and my fears....... :shock:

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