First one is G81-3000SAV, I got this keyboard from russian like some of you since they were found last year.
There are something odd about this keyboard. The Cyrillic fonts look different from other cherry keyboard (HASRO, HAV, SAR, etc), and English fonts look different too. Another thing is this keyboard don't have dished 'F' and 'J' keys but that 'Quote' key beside ' Enter ' key.
ESA label
Controller label shows G81-3000HAD, It's strange but not the first time I see on a Cherry keyboard.
The back photo shows they are definitely OG PBT keycaps made by Cherry, just like any other Cherry dye-sub keycaps.
Mods keys are dye-sublimated by Cherry for sure, nothing different from SAU keycaps. But those Cyrillic keycaps...
And G81-3100SAV keycaps from ball00n, dye-sublimated by Cherry.
So this G81-3000SAV with black Cyrillic keycaps, was made by Cherry. But the alpha set, I think they were printed by other russian factory using Cherry PBT keycaps.
The second keyboard is Desko MSL 4717 (G81-3121SLD).
This keyboard have both PBT dye-sublimated keycaps and ABS double-shot keycaps.
Double-shot keycaps are made by Cherry.
But these PBT keycaps, not like normal Cherry PBT, more like BSP!
They are almost the same, except BSP keycaps have number on the back and more dots on the wall.
And I was told BSP retooled their mould before BSP keyset group buy, I think that's why there is a difference between them.
Then I made a comparison between BSP keycaps and RGB set from Desko ML 4006. They are absolutely made from same
So BSP was not the primary manufacturer of keycaps for Cherry like others said, but they made keycaps for Desko.
What I can't stand is BSP keycaps have some sink marks, you can easily find them under light. And part of they are not as thick as Cherry caps.
Dye-sublimation is good, but I don't think they are made by Cherry since they didn't use Cherry PBT.
But I have a question, if they are not dye-sublimated by Cherry, why this keyboard named G81-3121SLD?
BSP Hebrew dye-sublimated by Hammer.
The last one, Triumph Adler CSC 101 (G99-1180BAU?).
This keyboard have the same keycaps like TA typewriter. Fonts are smaller than Cherry fonts, so they are not dye-sublimated by Cherry.
And finally, smoothness rank imo : Cherry > Desko (OG BSP) > TA > BSP (Hammer)