That was followed by a ZX Spectrum +2 whose keyboard didn't leave a lasting impression, probably because I'd nothing to compare it to.
I didn't have that for very long before moving onto an XT clone with a DataComp keyboard. I considered this the best I'd ever used and kept it long after the computer was scrapped.
It's demise was caused by its PSU failing at the time a mate was chucking an Amstrad PC1512 out so I acquired that. Its 'board long held the title of the worst I'd used. That said it was only finally de-commissioned in 2012.
My next computer, and first Windows one, arrived around 2004 and had an un-branded 105-key job that I never had an opinion on one was or the other.
This and the Amstrad were eventually replaced with an HP Pavilion. I bought this as a bare base unit so used my existing keyboard, mouse and VDU but later changed the keyboard for an IBM KB8926 that I'd picked-up somewhere.
A couple of months ago I was sorting some other stuff out and found a Hyundai-branded BTC board. I can't remember a thing about it's history and was surprised that it worked on my 'modern' computers as I never had an AT with a 5-pin DIN. I've obviously used it on an XT at some point as the + key on the numeric pad has been re-labelled ◄┘, which I used to do by hacking KEYB.COM.
It doesn't have an 88/286 switch so presumably it's capable of auto-selecting the correct protocol. It's also deprived the Amstrad of its Worst Keyboard award.
The DataComp also still works but my opinion of it has changed. I'm now so used to 105-key ones that the layout is confusing and I wouldn't rave about its Blue Alps switches; they don't seem any better than the domes I'm typing this on. The biggest shock was finding the noise annoying; it seems to be at a very irritating pitch to my ears. I suppose that when I was using it regularly that seemed normal and computing was generally more noisy with fans going at full-speed all the time, hard disks being louder, floppies grunting away and impact printers trying their best to deafen you.
It was while looking into these keyboards, and their possible value, that I came across this forum.
I've had plenty of other computers through my hands but have only mentioned the ones that stuck around for a while and were actually used. Most of the others were no better than what I'd got so they had any useful bits removed and were then ditched.
If anybody want's to use the attached photos for the Wiki feel free — I'm afraid that that is way beyond my understanding.