My daily driver stopped working 50%

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Awake Sheep

25 Sep 2019, 11:39

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After a pause of 2 months I wanted my daily driver back in action and suddenly the right half doesn't work anymore.

I bought it from taobao through superbuy.

Kindly asking for a repair service here. Who can help me? =(

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Awake Sheep

25 Sep 2019, 12:38

Maybe someone here offers a repair service? I live in southern part of Germany.

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25 Sep 2019, 12:47

Do you have access to the PCB ?

The right side is the slave, right ?

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25 Sep 2019, 15:50

Hi, before sending for repair, if you are able to open the case and photograph the pcb and especially where the cable connector meets the pcb?

We may not be able to see anything, but there is a chance there is an obvious reason why this device does not work and we can offer further guidance.

I would try this basic diagnostic approach first to eliminate any obvious or minor issues. If we cant see any issues then you could move to repair services.

My personal guess would be just some flexing damage to the usb connector solder.


25 Sep 2019, 17:05

Chances are its a faulty connector. I cannot be sure but that looks like mini USB to me ( not micro) THE WORST usb connector, they fail all the time. Back when i supported blackberry phones ( back to the super old blue ones ) it was ALWAYS the mini USB that failed.

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Awake Sheep

19 Jan 2020, 11:37

Sorry for the late reply, didn't have the time for this...

I opened up the case and made some pics. Also I exchanged the backspace key by desoldering and soldering a new one. At some point both halves of the board seemed to work and then problems occured again. I wobbled a bit with the main mini usb cable and it seems there could be a problem since the right board showed weird signs of random button presses in aquakeytest. Also 1 of the LEDs beneath the right half seemed to work sometimes. And sometimes all less worked but not the keys.

My main assumption is that the controller on the right half is faulty. Somewhere in the net I read that someone had also a problem with the ve a clone and had to resolder the controller on the right half. That would mean I would have to desolder every single switch of it =/

Maybe somebody has a better idea?
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25 Jan 2020, 18:26

First suspects would be the mini-B connectors on both halves, then possibly the right side controller, which you could reflow.

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Awake Sheep

26 Jan 2020, 13:32

By reflow you mean resolder? Sorry my only experience with soldering is just soldering switches.

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27 Jan 2020, 16:20

Only reheating the joints one or two at a time without removing the package, which would be difficult without a hot air rework machine.

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