NeK wrote: 11 Oct 2020, 23:04
Logically, there should be plenty products from other manufacturers that are essentially the same, or unnoticably different. So I think that she is right. One question though, did she tell you *why* she thinks the 760G is nearly identical? Which exactly specs is she basing this conclusion on? I compared both the TDS of TB2583G and Nyogel 760G and they use difference units and difference test methods for their specs. The only common that I can verify are truly the same between them are: 1. the are "silicon greases" 1. their color is white and 3. the worked penetration which is for both 311 (in unknown units, as it is not mentioned in both sheets). Everything else though is different.
Knowning what she base her conclusion on, weould help us understand more about all those properties and measurements.
I did a bit of research and got some things pegged down:
1. "
Specific Gravity" on the TB2583G Technical Datasheet is the same as the spec "
Density" on the Nyogel one. They are 0.83 and 0.88 respectively.
Very close.
2. "
Evaporation rate" is 3% and 3.4% respectively, so I guess it is
almost the same
In summary:
They both:
- are Silicon Oil greases
- are white
- have the exact same Penetration Rate*
- have similar Specific Gravity/Density)**
- have very similar Evaporation Rate
They differ on:
- Oil separation is 6.39% for the TB and 1.5% for the Nyogel. ***
Specs that are not on both sheets:
- Nyogel specifies the exact kind of Oil it uses. Whereas TB does not.
- Coefficient of Friction is stated only on the TB.
- Dropping Point in Celcius is stated only on the TB. ****
- Nyogel states two related measurements with the above: the Flash Point and the Pour Point in Celcius. ****
- Consistency is stated only on TB. However I think this just another way to measure the viscosity, which we have established that they are similar through the Specific Gravity <-> Density in the first list.
* at 100K (1/10mm), whatever that means, as stated on the Nyogel sheet.
** According to the
NYE CTM test spec, Density is measuring the Specific Gravity. As they state: "CTM-003: DENSITY AND
The procedure consists of filling a metal cup of a known volume with the test grease and
determining its weight at 25°C.". So according to the description, the
Specific Gravity and
Density in this case are the same measurement.
*** However they use completely difference test specs. Therefore these probably are not comparable.
Maybe we could do a research of the different test methods, the JIS K 2220 and the ASTM D-6184 and find out what their numbers mean and whether they are anyway comparable or somehow convertible to one another, or not.
**** If we knew what Dropping, Flash and Pour Points are, we could probably compare them and maybe find out if they are similar or not.
My conclusion so far:
They seem to be similar, but more research is needed.