Hello everyone,
This is an interest check for DCS Alps White-on-Black keycaps from Signature Plastics. As some of you may recall, this was previously an interest check by hineybush. He is no longer able to continue with the project and was nice enough to let me take over.
The purpose of this IC is to flush out some kitting, as well as throw out some ideas I had about making an Alps “starter pack.”
One of the biggest hassles with making a custom Alps build is having to source a compatible PCB and plate, switches, keycaps, and stabilizers. Unlike MX parts which are generally standardized, Alps parts do vary and can cause compatibility issues.
Finding aftermarket Alps-compatible PCBs has become easier with so many boards supporting h87a, h88a, and 60% w/ JST. Signature Plastics Alps keycaps use MX stabilizers, so that part is easy too. That leaves keycaps (which this GB covers), plates, and switches.
So along with this group buy, I would like to offer forged carbon fiber plates for many different boards, as well as genuine Alps switches. The latter is a little hard since Alps are no longer made, but I am doing some work to source them.
If this is something of interest to you, please let me know what board(s) you would be interested in getting plates for. Please make sure the board has an Alps compatible PCB already, because that will not be offered.
Now onto kitting:
I reworked some of the kitting. Most notably, I added Alice layout support in the base kit. F13 is TBD since I will need to confirm that it is possible to add at a reasonable price. I also made some changes to the spacebar kit and 40s kit. The ISO kit remains the same. See below.
Note: Legends will be in the style of DCS Midnight, not how they appear in the kits picture
I’d also like to offer relegendables and maybe a macro kit (for boards with a KMAC Mini style left cluster). Any preferences on a relegendable vs macro kit?
I am very open to suggestions for kitting, so please, if you have any, let me know!
My partner and main vendor for this GB is Bear Cable Co. (https://www.bearcables.com/). He will be the US vendor, and possibly, depending on demand, the global vendor. If there is enough interest, regional vendors could be added.
Interest Check Form: https://forms.gle/EpSoCeHza4sZ8MS69
Link to my Discord! https://discord.gg/dTTbRd5rTT
Any and all constructive feedback is great! Thank you.