Oh, the Backspace. One of the most infectious bits of the HHKB. I wonder which key it could be on this other, ever so slightly louder 60% of mine?Palatino wrote: 02 Feb 2022, 13:57If you keep using it, I think you’ll appreciate the backspace position. It’s a row nearer to your hands after all, making it easier to hit. On as many of my other boards that allow it, I reprogram the big backslash key to backspace.keyboardnoob wrote: 02 Feb 2022, 11:25
As for the layout it is too soon to tell, but it doesn't seem that big of an issue. The arrows, although not suitable for gaming are not that alien, the backspace though....
My Kishsaver is #2 in use behind my #1 HHKB, actually. Really helps they are so alike in layout, if wildly different in noise and physical weight! If the HHKB ever made a sound remotely like the Kish does in regular use, I'd know I'd just snapped it clean in two.