Where can I get this thingamajig?

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14 Sep 2022, 19:17

I'm putting new keycaps on my daskeyboard, but the larger keys has a white adapter-thingy that you need to connect the metal thingies instead of it being connected to a keycap-stem-thingy. (Feel free to tell me what the real names of those stuff are).

where can I get the white thingies? they seem to be stuck, so I can't just pry them out.
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IMG_20220912_213404.jpeg (46.3 KiB) Viewed 2553 times

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14 Sep 2022, 20:35

Those are the inserts for the stabilizers. They should pull out with a bit of effort. Not a big Cherry guy, but I think they are Costar stabilizers. If you need extras, search for 'Costar stabilizer insert'.

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14 Sep 2022, 22:07

Don’t know Das specifically, but sometimes stab inserts are glued in, so don’t pull too hard. ;)

I really dislike Costar stabs for all this fiddliness. They do feel a bit better than Cherry’s own though. Those are nice and easy for swapping caps but shuff like wet newspaper.


14 Sep 2022, 22:50

Among my outdated bookmarks, this store in the US had them: https://www.wasdkeyboards.com/cherry-mx ... -2pcs.html
They might be available in a store closer to you that caters to the PC gaming market. I dunno.
BTW. The colour does not matter: black inserts work just as well.

The custom/DIY keyboard scene has instead completely gone over to Cherry-style stabilisers - of which most are PCB-mounted. (and when you search, you are likely to find mostly that type)

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14 Sep 2022, 22:53

Oh that’s good. Are they clipped, or whatever it is that’s supposed to fix their dead feel?

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14 Sep 2022, 23:41

Costar. Source: I own an older DAS Keyboard. A 4, I think.

US: https://www.maxkeyboard.com/cherry-mx-k ... 4-pcs.html $2 for 44
EU: https://candykeys.com/product/cherry-mx ... insert-4pc 0,80 Euros for 4.
Also looks like there are a bunch of places that have 3D models of stabilizers, so if you have a 3D printer, you're all set. (This also gives me another reason to justify buying a 3D printer.)

It doesn't overly matter if you get these "specifically for Costar" or just generic. Unless it's DAS, you've got the possibility of the size being slightly off. Usually this doesn't matter.


15 Sep 2022, 04:20

Warning: Off-topic
Findecanor wrote: 14 Sep 2022, 22:50 The custom/DIY keyboard scene has instead completely gone over to Cherry-style stabilisers - of which most are PCB-mounted. (and when you search, you are likely to find mostly that type)
Muirium wrote: 14 Sep 2022, 22:53 Oh that’s good. Are they clipped, or whatever it is that’s supposed to fix their dead feel?
Yep. There are lots of third-party stabs don't have the damping legs of Cherry's original. Instead, people do put small stickers or pieces cut from a band-aid on the PCB, among a gazillion other mods.

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15 Sep 2022, 12:50

dotdash wrote: 14 Sep 2022, 20:35 Those are the inserts for the stabilizers. They should pull out with a bit of effort. Not a big Cherry guy, but I think they are Costar stabilizers. If you need extras, search for 'Costar stabilizer insert'.
Thanks. Indeed, that seems to be exactly what they are. I googled for every keyword idea I could think of, but stabilizer was not one of them. Didn't find them loose, but ordered a set of the entire mech.

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