Jamming in the corner of the key (IBM KB-6326)


19 Jan 2023, 15:41

I spent all afternoon rescuing a dirty keyboard (rubber dome) IBM KB-6326.

A mistake was made somewhere and I would hate to see it repeated on others. When I push the corner of the button, it takes a lot of force and it jerks. It's unusable. Do you have any ideas or experience? I would like a restored KB-8926. I am a fan of this style.

1. I sprayed all the screws (even the inner ones) with WD-40
2. I unscrewed the rear screws.
3. I removed the front pairs of keys above the screws.
4. I also loosened the front screws.
5. pried out the remaining keys with my finger (pressure from the inside).
6. washed everything with detergent, electronics and foil with alcohol.
7. washed the keys in the dishwasher.
8. let it dry.
9. lubricated the stabilizers with Vaseline.
10. turned the screws back first, then screwed them in.
11. he screwed the keys into the assembled keyboard.

12. Everything works, the keys type. Many of the keys jiggle a lot when pressed inaccurately.
13. even after applying vaseline to the keyway, it's not better.

All done sensitively. Where is the fault?


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19 Jan 2023, 18:46

vrichtigu wrote: 19 Jan 2023, 15:41I spent all afternoon rescuing a dirty keyboard (rubber dome…

All afternoon, on that? Are you feeling okay? ;)

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19 Jan 2023, 22:30

I don't have any experience with the board in question, but maybe it just is bindy like that. Is it on every key, or just specific buttons?

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Elder Messenger

19 Jan 2023, 23:44

I have several KB-8923 the ANSI version, and they have always seemed solid and consistent, just about my favorite rubber dome keyboards.

Admittedly I was very surprised to see the word "Vaseline" - I have never used that and would be afraid that it is not particularly durable and it is always a notorious dust magnet.

Maybe it would be acceptable as a temporary stabilizer lube, but what does it mean to use it on a "keyway"?


20 Jan 2023, 19:50

>>Muirium>> I'm fine. I meant exactly between 14:00 and 17:30 17.1. 2023. "All" was a strong expression :)

>>TNT>> They stutter the most in F- line. Top row 123 also a lot. Letters also a little bit. Stabilized big keys is OK.

>>fohat>> Yes, I like them better than mechanical logitec G512. Very sturdy with thick sheet metal inside with good price. Nice plastic texture. Vaseline (Castrol LMX) is only on the stabilizer wire, at the point of contact. Only small amount.
When I was desperate, I tried it on the 4 pieces F keys. But it didn't help.

>>For ALL>> I think I somehow scratched the guide of the key when I clicked it back. They jerk if you don't press the middle key.
They don't have the smooth movement of plastic on plastic. I don't know what I did wrong, in the video he did that too...

If i think about that... dishwasher with 55°C, no tabs. Case and keys. Could the case have twisted? But the cases fit together ok.

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