New Alps SKCM Whites on ebay


06 Dec 2021, 09:16

Hey there,
I'm new in the community, but used the wiki a lot in the past two years. Thanks a lot to everyone that contributed to that.

Now to my topic:
There is a Korean seller on ebay that has 7 lots of 500 genuine and new Alps SKCM White switches for sale. The pictures look actually as it could be true. However, I am as much sceptic as I am curious and greedy to get hands on some of these. I also asked the seller where these guys come from and where they spent the last 30 to 40 years.

What do you think. Scam or not scam? ... %7Ciid%3A1

Best regards

John Doe

06 Dec 2021, 09:25

Intend to believe its real sale. Seller harvested 3500× skcm white switches and want to sell 500 of them once, looks real.


06 Dec 2021, 09:33

John Doe wrote: 06 Dec 2021, 09:25 Intend to believe its real sale. Seller harvested 3500× skcm white switches and want to sell 500 of them once, looks real.
Actually, he claims the switches are not harvested but brand new. He responded to my question and said they were baught in the 90s from Alps in Japan stored in their warehouse since then.

John Doe

06 Dec 2021, 09:48

Have you ever tried to ask its negotiable to make deal at a smaller amount? Like 100 bucks for 100x? Still think its real but damn, $500 is risky.


06 Dec 2021, 10:03

Yeah, it is. Thanks for your thoughts.

I also thought about getting 150 or so. That would be enough for 2 boards. I'll ask him.

Another question would be, do you guys think that I can sell the rest of the switches? Harvested ones are sold for a lot more than that at the moment. But I'm unsure how much VAT and customs come on top...

Let's see what my Christmas budget says...

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06 Dec 2021, 15:22

The legs seem to be tinned though or am I wrong?

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07 Dec 2021, 00:19

Not a scam. Actually I bought 3000 of them a few months back and they still have like 10,000 left. There was some interest in them on discord and I wanted to make sure that no one scalped them. They are completely new, having never been soldered and I've been selling them off for what it cost me to get them; I don't need to make money off of my fellow hobbits after all.

If anyone is interested you can either get some from me on discord if you are ok with slow ass shipping
or from my friend with a store if you want them sooner think I'm too shady (I don't blame you) ... s-switches
Both of us are in east coast USA for shipping purposes but we can do some drop shipping to britbonland and germoney and I can send along local snacks like Wilbur buds or cheesesteaks (may be a bit stale after a trip over the ocean but that is your problem not mine :P)


07 Dec 2021, 22:07

Hey, cool. So you're the one that complained about the crazy shipping costs in the ebay feedback :D

Thanks for this very helpful reply.

The discord invite doesn't work, unfortunately.

Are there already some reviews on these switches? how do they compare to used stuff or the Matias stuff?

And what would you say? Was it worth taking the hazzle to get them?

Thanks and best regards


10 Sep 2022, 13:55

How did it go? Did you get some? If yes, do you like them? I have white and blue Alps in the same keyboard, the Whites being very early ones, I think, and I still like them much less then the Blues.

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10 Sep 2022, 20:02

I purchased a set from and haven’t put them in a keyboard yet, but they were new old stock alps SKCM white. No signs of solder on the leads, long switch plate etc. I’m not sure what vintage they are but they were definitely white alps. Hope this helps!

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28 Oct 2022, 03:57

I bought a set of 500 white Alps from the Korean seller on eBay. As far as I can tell, these are indeed genuine NOS pine white Alps with white switchplates. Shipping was reasonably quick. I used some of them to modify the bamboo black Alps in my AT101W.

I do like the blue Alps better, but finding them NOS is very difficult and when they do appear, their price is 4-5 times higher than of NOS pine whites, so...


18 Jan 2023, 19:01

I also did purchase a bag of 500 switches, back then when I opened the thread. But so far I did not put it into a keyboard.
As the others say, they're definitely NOS skcm white Alps.
However for any reason I follow the hobby in winter months, only. And so far I did not get a PCB and case for these switches.
If anybody in EU is interested, I'd be open to sell some of them. I think I don't need all the 500.


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13 Apr 2023, 17:17

The same seller is also selling NOS SKCM Blue Alps, but they are quite pricey ($1260+shipping for 300 switches, but you can email the seller to ask for a smaller batch).

Not exactly cheap, but where else can you find NOS Blue Alps?

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13 Apr 2023, 20:31

engr wrote: 13 Apr 2023, 17:17 The same seller is also selling NOS SKCM Blue Alps, but they are quite pricey ($1260+shipping for 300 switches, but you can email the seller to ask for a smaller batch).

Not exactly cheap, but where else can you find NOS Blue Alps?
That's about it. Good to know you can buy smaller batches.

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