Apple Keyboard Extended II w/ Alps Salmon Switch vs. Apple Keyboard Extended II Alps Orange Switch vs. AKEII Alps M0312


05 Nov 2023, 03:37

Hello keyboards friends, they say the Model F’s capacitative switches are better than the Mode M’s but is the Model F’s typing experience better than Apple Extended Keyboard II’s (AEK) switches, if they are which Apple Extended Keyboard II’s switches are the best : salmon vs. orange vs. M0312?

If you know someone who has all keyboards with all the switches and have tested, kindly post the link.

God bless, Rev. 21:4


05 Nov 2023, 03:48

I believe the AEK II only came in Salmon, Cream, White and Mitsumi White switches.

The AEK came in Salmon and Orange




05 Nov 2023, 04:01

Apples and oranges, if you’ll pardon the pun.

Capacitive Buckling Springs and Orange Alps are entirely different in sound and feel. CBS feel amazing but are just SO, SO, VERY LOUD. Orange Alps feel pretty good (better than any Cherry-type switches I’ve tried), but they feel less accurate.

That said, I’m gearing up to sell both my Model F and my Orange Alps AEK. I’ve found that I prefer very quiet switches.


05 Nov 2023, 06:54

Tribal wrote: 05 Nov 2023, 04:01 I’ve found that I prefer very quiet switches.
Interesting. What brand and model did you replace your Model F and AEKII with Alps orange switches with? Is it a custom modern mechanical keyboard (if it's custom, what are the parts and modifications if it's ok to ask?).


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05 Nov 2023, 09:30

Here’s the thing: everyone’s after their own ideal. There’s not one fixed hierarchy of all the best keyboards, let alone the many mods that can be done to each of them. You’ve got to work out what appeals to you, specifically. It takes time and patience, and a little bit of collecting.

“Because all the old ways are gone.” Well, not quite yet for keyboards. ;)


05 Nov 2023, 13:08

Alvin777 wrote: 05 Nov 2023, 06:54
Tribal wrote: 05 Nov 2023, 04:01 I’ve found that I prefer very quiet switches.
Interesting. What brand and model did you replace your Model F and AEKII with Alps orange switches with? Is it a custom modern mechanical keyboard (if it's custom, what are the parts and modifications if it's ok to ask?).

Mostly Topre boards - Realforce R2 and R3, Leopold fc660c. I *think* I prefer 45g, but I haven’t ruled out variable weight yet. I sometimes use the Matias Laptop Pro, but the Apple layout throws me. I’ve heard a solder bridge can convert it to Windows layout, but I haven’t learned soldering yet.

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Elder Messenger

05 Nov 2023, 15:20

Tribal wrote: 05 Nov 2023, 04:01
are just SO, SO, VERY LOUD
The "floss mod" does not do much for a Model M, but it is much more effective in tamping down the overtones of the F.


05 Nov 2023, 15:52

Can't really go wrong with any AEK / AEK II keyboard.


06 Nov 2023, 23:09

Tribal wrote: 05 Nov 2023, 13:08
Mostly Topre boards - Realforce R2 and R3, Leopold fc660c. I *think* I prefer 45g, but I haven’t ruled out variable weight yet. I sometimes use the Matias Laptop Pro, but the Apple layout throws me. I’ve heard a solder bridge can convert it to Windows layout, but I haven’t learned soldering yet.
I've done a similar conversion on a Matias Tactile Pro from Mac to PC layout (which I'm typing this with) by basically colouring in the area between the two contacts using a pencil. The graphite in the lead acts as a bridge. No soldering is required and it's temporary - if I want to reverse it, I can just use an eraser.

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