Cutting down on caffeine


16 Jun 2012, 08:29

A week ago I decided to cut down. I used to drink about 15 mugs of tea/coffee a day and I'd feel normal - sleep like a log, not hyperactive or anything, but I've got other problems that muscle tension doesn't help - hence the cutting down.

Perhaps setting a limit of 2 mugs a day was a little low... Yesterday I noticed something flashing in the corner of my eye, only it moved when I moved my head - I'm guessing it was a migraine starting up and a quick coffee fixed it pretty quick. I'm allowing myself 3/4 mugs now. I could have cut it down by a little each week, but I've tried that before and I just let the consumption creep back up without noticing.

I've been hitting the pain killers without realising it. No headaches (well not many), but my poor muscles just ache.

My sleep patterns are settling down, but I feel it's far harder to get out of bed in the morning.

I hope it's worth it.

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Elite +1

16 Jun 2012, 08:34

I drink about 10 cups a day. Been trying to cut back though.
Good luck.


16 Jun 2012, 09:01

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16 Jun 2012, 09:16

I don't smoke. Couldn't afford two expensive habits.

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Elite +1

16 Jun 2012, 09:18

I gave up smoking 1 and a half years ago. Went from 25/30 a day to 0.

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Input Nirvana

16 Jun 2012, 09:19

HOLY SHIT! I love coffee and really look forward and enjoy my one or sometimes 2 huge mugs (about 3-4 cups) in the morning. You guys need to be far more aware of your intake....this stuff will artificially control your body functions. You shouldn't go off cold turkey...just be more aware and wean yourself down. Be diligent to not let it 'creep up'.

This is important. Keep it moderate or your testicles will wind up in a very bad place :)

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Wild Duck

16 Jun 2012, 09:23

Last week's headlines: coffee prevents Alzheimer.


16 Jun 2012, 09:25

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Elite +1

16 Jun 2012, 09:27

hoggy wrote:I don't smoke. Couldn't afford two expensive habits.
First one being keyboard ;).


16 Jun 2012, 10:08

fossala wrote:
hoggy wrote:I don't smoke. Couldn't afford two expensive habits.
First one being keyboard ;).
Er, yes. Not drugs.

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16 Jun 2012, 11:30

Withdrawal can be bad but most of it should be over in 2~3 weeks. Caffeine like anything should be enjoyed in moderation, i used to drink 3~4 cups of coffee and half a gallon of Coca Cola a day (not good for your teeth i can tell you that) and i completely quit on the cola part bout a year ago but NOBODY takes my coffee!!!!! Cuz like you im still pretty much unable to jump out of bed in the mornin like i used to so i still need a little boost...

Wish you all the strength in the world quitting your habit ;)


16 Jun 2012, 15:45

Cappuccinos in the AM, iced espresso in the afternoon, White Russians and Spanish Coffee for after dinner dessert.

Studies have shown to prevent a boring vegan lifestyle.


16 Jun 2012, 16:59

I don't make it a daily habbit of drinking coffee.

I go without coffees most of the days, some days I drink 1 cup for the pleasure/taste, and when I need it I can drink 3 to 7 coffees a day. But the next one I'll drink none again.

I like the idea of being able to live without caffeine, while still enjoying its taste and its effect when needed/wanted.


16 Jun 2012, 17:02

Holy Crap! I used to drink 2 cups 'a day and had problems getting out of the addiction.

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16 Jun 2012, 17:17

webwit wrote:Last week's headlines: coffee prevents Alzheimer.
Previous year's headlines: coffee causes Alzheimer.

@OP: Try to substiture the coffee with key caps!


16 Jun 2012, 17:56

7bit wrote:
webwit wrote:Last week's headlines: coffee prevents Alzheimer.
Previous year's headlines: coffee causes Alzheimer.

@OP: Try to substiture the coffee with key caps!
That's kind of why I'm cutting down. I can't afford keycaps and coffee...

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16 Jun 2012, 17:57

Good to see you will cut down the coffe then.


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16 Jun 2012, 17:59

I'd be rich if it wasn't got single malt whisky..

My lass loves her Gaggia coffee maker, I like coffee can keep my attention during boring meetings.


16 Jun 2012, 19:02

In our country we like lasses SERVING coffee.

Nsfw Moobs ahead I used to make espresso with a naked portafilter.

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16 Jun 2012, 20:07

I also read nicotine can prevent alzheimers, but all natural delivery systems cause cancer.
Makes you wonder if they'll offer caffeine+nicotine gum or patches for alzheimer's patients.

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16 Jun 2012, 20:14

I've heared that buying key caps can prevent Alzheimer's!


16 Jun 2012, 20:23

Nah, PBT keys prevent you having to buy keys all the time.


Alzheimer's only is important trying to keep track of all the Signature Plastic group buys at GH. Less so this one since it GB4 involves primarily long term memory.

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Input Nirvana

18 Jun 2012, 07:42

ripster wrote:Alzheimer's only is important trying to keep track of all the Signature Plastic group buys at GH. Less so this one since it GB4 involves primarily long term memory.


18 Jun 2012, 13:23

7bit wrote:I've heared that buying key caps can prevent Alzheimer's!
Keycaps I'm not sure: but apparently the more languages you speak, the less likely you are to catch Alzheimer. They've done studies and for unknown reasons there was a strong correlation between having Alzheimer and speaking only your native language.

(I'm fluent in english and I'm a native french speaker and I do code for a living: I hope programming languages do help too...)

That said I've heard that receiving parts from Unicomp group buy did help prevent Alzheimer: I think I remember I've placed an order and paid but nearly one year after the fact I still haven't received anything ;)


18 Jun 2012, 13:27

TacticalCoder wrote:
7bit wrote:I've heared that buying key caps can prevent Alzheimer's!
Keycaps I'm not sure: but apparently the more languages you speak, the less likely you are to catch Alzheimer. They've done studies and for unknown reasons there was a strong correlation between having Alzheimer and speaking only your native language.

(I'm fluent in english and I'm a native french speaker and I do code for a living: I hope programming languages do help too...)

That said I've heard that receiving parts from Unicomp group buy did help prevent Alzheimer: I think I remember I've placed an order and paid but nearly one year after the fact I still haven't received anything ;)
I'm fluent in english, german, and " alsacien "(a local german dialect) and I'm a native french speaker. And I'll do code for a living.
Does this mean I beat you ? :P.

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The Tiproman

18 Jun 2012, 14:07

Djuzuh wrote:[...] I'm fluent in english, german, and " alsacien "(a local german dialect) and I'm a native french speaker. And I'll do code for a living.
Does this mean I beat you ? :P.
Damn! At least you beat me - I don't speak alsacien!
But... I am a cat whisperer. Does that count?

By the way, Alz...what?
I'm afraid I forgot...


18 Jun 2012, 14:23

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18 Jun 2012, 16:11

See I'm not random; I just don't remember what y'all're talking about.

I am the walrus! --RIP Donny

In the ship they forgot what they are. Under the sky they remember, they're cows. --Little River

Maybe I've been on the ship too long. ;-P

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