Switch Try Numpad version 2. Round 2: EUROPE

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31 Oct 2012, 12:40

Sure, go ahead.... I'll mark him on the list


05 Nov 2012, 21:29

I've sent the Switch Try Numpad on last Wednesday, according to the tracking data it has left the country on Friday ;-). (Yes, they do tracked international - if you happen to encounter the right employee and nag a bit).

My impressions:

I've had CeeSA's cherry switch try bag before and I've accumulated a couple of ALPS boards in the meantime, but still it was quite informative to have them sitting directly next to each other in the same board.

In general my preferences are clicky > tactile > linear, switch brand is only secondary.
Still, in direct comparison, I think I prefer Cherrys in terms of general feel. ALPS often feel less smooth and somewhat uneven with respect to where and at which angle you press a key (might be a function of age, though). Irrespective of that, however, I much prefer *clicky* ALPS to Cherry blues. Blues feel and sound flimsy and cheap (to me) and the distance between click, bump and activation is far too large.

Soo, my overall preferences would be:

Any BS > clicky ALPS > Cherry Blues > tactile Cherrys > tactile ALPS > everything else

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06 Nov 2012, 18:15

I got the package. Will have a review written up by tomorrow...
Looks good so far :)

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08 Nov 2012, 20:38

OK, here are my impressions on the switches so far...

Alps Blacks: Very dirty and mushy feeling. It's as if there's something wrong with the switch. Just doesn't feel right. And I don't know if its just me, but the stroke length feels shorter then MX switches AND is a bit harder to press then MX Black. Maybe due to the tactile bump being a bit lower then I would prefer. I'm not sure. Probably the worst of all the switches on the board in my opinion.

Alps Greys: Feels MUCH better then Alps Blacks, but still has a small hint of the same broken on the inside feel to it. Maybe its because of the way the switch is designed. The tactile and clicky feel gives it a nice crisp feedback. Click is less pronounced then MX Blues. Overall I like this switch and was pleasantly surprised by it. Will definitely be looking for a board with these in the future.

Alps Whites: For the most part identical to the Alps Blacks, except it is a bit clearer on the tactile bump department (a liiiitle bit more pronounced I would say).

Cherry ML: These little devils are awesome! Will definitely be looking for a board with these. They feel solid and have a nice tactile feel and are not hard to press. Maybe I'm just a fan or low stroke switches.

Cherry MX Reds: My next board will have these, guaran'f***ing'teed. Its amazing... It feels exactly like people describe it, I'm even shocked. A cloud of boobs hahaha. I thought I would hate it, as I use MX Browns as a daily driver, and I'm a fan of the slight tactility they offer, but damn, these things are awesome. Silk smooth actuation, a joy to press.

Cherry MX "Ghetto Reds": Same as the Reds except a liiiiiiiiitle bit harder to press for some reason. A tiny bit.

Cherry MX Blues: These are awesome. I have a G80-3000 with blues and its exactly as you would expect. Nice crisp solid clicky clacky feel with good control. I would use them more often but I live with people that hate the sound of it so no dice here. Amazing switch.

Cherry MX Browns: Everyday driver. I LOVE this switch. It's light, super easy to control, and quiet compared to blues. I prefer to use these instead of blues for gaming as well, because its much easier to "hover" (not bottom out) the keys at the actuation point giving more speed. Although, for typing, nothing beats blues.

Cherry MX Blacks: Not a bad switch. Kinda like Reds except way harder to press. I can see someone using these that like to mash their keys (Heavy hands perhaps?). :) Just kidding. Its a nice switch if you prefer a bit heavier linear feel.

Cherry MX Clears: I'm not sure about this switch. Its kinda heavy to press and is a bit boring. The tactile bump is much more pronounced then browns but I don't think I like it. Maybe I'm just more inclined to using a lighter switch. I imagine that if I got a keyboard withe these switches, I would not enjoy it...

Cherry MX "Ergo": Same as Clears but lighter to press. These feel much better then Clears in a sence that they are not as annoying and hard, and I wouldn't mind using a keyboard with these, but I would rather not, if you know what I mean.

Overall I would say this opportunity led me to change my perception of the red switch from "OMG I would probably hate it" to "OMG I have to have now!". Plus I now have two more switches to look forward to, Cherry ML and Alps Greys.

I'll try to send it to whomever is next on the list asap.



Oh shit i forgot to put the picture :). Sorry about the quality. I took the photo with a potato.

The package will go to gorkypl as he was first after me on the list.

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23 Nov 2012, 18:09

Any update guys?


24 Nov 2012, 13:46

Yes, I have received the package on Wednesday, and will test it during the weekend.

Sorry for the delay in reporting, but I had to work ~15 hours a day in the last week and I have unboxed the numpad just today.
My first impression: masterpiece! Thanks MrInterface!


04 Dec 2012, 02:01

OK, finally I had some time to sit with the Numpad and write down my feelings.

Alps Black - I did not like them. The actutation point is not clear, the resistance is definitely too big. Feeling that resembles a cheap, dirty rubberdome.
Alps Grey - The best of the Alps ones - tactile and clicky, but with a different (more 'oldschool') feeling than MX Blues - overall not bad, but nothing extraordinary too.
Alps White - Similar to black Alps, maybe a bit 'cleaner'. The actuation point is still not obvious and they just do not feel good to me.
Ghetto Red - They feel just a very little bit stiffer than MX Reds, but generally a negligible difference. A great switch.
MX Red - Sometimes I think that Reds are even better than MX Browns that I use every day. Resistance is just OK, definitely not too light as sometimes can be heard. And when you'll learn not to bottom out they should be really quiet.
MX Blues - The most classic switch from Cherry. What can I say? :) After trying I know I'd love to have a keyboard with those, but I cannot imagine where could I use it :) They seem definitely too loud for my office (but it is a rather quiet office TBH), and a bit too loud to use them at home in the evenings. But the feeling is just right, and it must be a joy to write on a keyboard with MX Blues.
MX Browns - The only switch that I have known before. Still I cannot decide what I really think about them - there are days when the actuation point seems to be missing and they seem to me like a dirty version of Reds, sometimes they feel just right. Definitely a good switch, but my next keyboard will have Reds or Blues ;)
MX Blacks - I've heard they are stiff, and they are stiff :) Perhaps good for gamers, but I'd definitely choose something else for writing.
MX Clear - A real surprise - if only they were a little softer, they'd be very good! But being stiff as MX Blacks they might be tiring in a longer run.
Ergo Clear - WOW! This is how I think MX Browns should be like! Similar response, but with more tactility, so you can clearly feel the actuation point. I seriously wonder why these are not made in factory, as they really deserve attention.
Cherry ML - They are much better than I have expected. Feeling a bit similar to Thinkpad keyboard, but better because you do not need to bottom out. I'm really thinking about buying a ML-based cheap keyboard, at least to try them a bit more.

The obligatory photo will come tommorow. Thanks again MrInterface for such a great opportunity to test the switches!
I guess now it's hamza's turn, or should I send it to daniel to stay on the continent?

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04 Dec 2012, 09:31

Thanx for the review!

send it to hamza.. It won't matter with the shipping costs..... Ask his address via PM and please ship on the earliest opportunity.

Don't forget to ship WITH TRACKING. I already lost two items due to non-tracked shipping. That, together with two other items I also lost totals our loss to 4 items(!)


08 Dec 2012, 23:19

Still waiting for a response from hamza, I guess if he won't answer till Monday I'll try sending Numpad to daniel.

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10 Dec 2012, 10:22

Sorry dudes, PMing my address now I thought I did it ages ago :)

Edit: actually I'm going to be on holiday I think it's best if I drop out! Could you send it to Daniel if it isn't too late?


22 Dec 2012, 23:50

The board is going to daniel on Monday :)


03 Jan 2013, 20:20

There was another delay due to my work, but finally I was able to pass it further.
The last photo before the numpad was packed for daniel:

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10 Jan 2013, 08:39

Daniel? Any update?

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10 Jan 2013, 17:49

I'm at work right now didn't receive the keypad yet but since yesterday there is a package waiting at the postoffice for me as I wasn't at home. But I ordered some other things as well...
I'll give a update this evening.

EDIT: The keypad was not in the package.


12 Jan 2013, 00:26

According to the tracking the package has left Poland on the night 08/09 January, so I guess Daniel should get it on Monday in case he has not got it today.


12 Jan 2013, 00:49

So this item is coming back to germany? :D

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12 Jan 2013, 12:52

The number pad arrived today!

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12 Jan 2013, 13:18

Daniel wrote:The number pad arrived today!
Hold on to it for a while , we are starting a new round ( with sinklist managers ) soon. You will be notified who you need to send it to :)

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16 Jan 2013, 22:15

here's my little review:
Black Alps: They feel as there were dust inside of the switches. Don't like the steep force curve. Good office-switch I think as it is quiet. I think I
should try them on a complete board and see if I like them. Somehow feel like a old rubberdome.
Grey Alps: Like them. Quieter and lower click compared to blue KPT switches. But don't feel as "sharp". They feel pretty similar to my Matias Board with translucent switches (I don't know which type they are), but sound quieter.
White Alps: They nearly feel similar to the black alps, but need lower force. I don't know if I making this up, but the key-travel seems too low for a switch designed for a fullsize keyboard.
Cherry ML: Like them. In my opinion a good trade off between switch size and key travel.
MX Reds and Ghetto Reds: Never tried this switches before. I don't think I could use this switchs for typing as the spring and feedback is just to weak for my taste.
MX Blues: Together with blacks my favorite switch.
MX Brown: Again to easy to press. You almost can't feel the tactile bump. Didn't use this switch before as well and don't like them.
MX Black: After blues my second favorite switch from cherry. The only switch where I can easily type without bottoming out.
MX Clear: I only would use them if there were no other switch available. They're okay but what particularly bugs me is the tactile bump when releasing
the switch.
MX Ergo Clear: Better than MX Clear but still not my favorite. Before using MX Browns I would use Ergo Clears or Clears.
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22 Jan 2013, 12:00

Updated OP with new subscription round!

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22 Jan 2013, 15:17

This thread can be archived!

//Damn, ninja'd :D
Last edited by Acanthophis on 22 Jan 2013, 15:18, edited 1 time in total.

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22 Jan 2013, 15:18


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