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02 Dec 2012, 06:42

Nope single laser. It comes and goes.


04 Dec 2012, 15:43

All laser mice (at least all the ones I have listed that I've bought and tried) lag and skip, because I'm moving the mouse faster than it can process.

Even though I haven't used all the laser mice I am 100% confident in saying that all laser mice will lag and skip.

You can prove it yourself. These are the settings I use. I play CS so the settings will be specific to it.
In-game: 1.23 (use raw input)
WIndows: default (in the middle)
mouse DPI: 400
mousepad: XL Corepad/Qck+

The test is swiping the mouse fast enough to do a 180 degree turn within one or two swipes (within 1 second).
Tip: To complete this in one swipe you would need to use almost the entire length of the mouse pad, or around half the length for two swipes.


04 Dec 2012, 18:58

Ah, yes, I have read that optical sensors are better at handling tracking at higher speeds, but going as far as recommending that people don't buy laser for FPS is a bit over the top as you're playing on very low sens. I'd recommend optical for low sensitivity players looking to play precision games, such as CS and Quake, due to the better tracking speed and the fact that very few optical mice that I've heard of have built-in acceleration.
For mid-high sens laser should be fine for most people. At higher sens the hard acceleration in some of the more popular laser sensors won't make a difference.
For those wanting to pick up a mouse to play CoD; the newer ones are doing more to ruin your aim than any shitty sensor can ever hope to do, you can play all modern war shooters with pretty much any mouse.


05 Dec 2012, 14:49

vun wrote:Ah, yes, I have read that optical sensors are better at handling tracking at higher speeds, but going as far as recommending that people don't buy laser for FPS is a bit over the top as you're playing on very low sens. I'd recommend optical for low sensitivity players looking to play precision games, such as CS and Quake, due to the better tracking speed and the fact that very few optical mice that I've heard of have built-in acceleration.
For mid-high sens laser should be fine for most people. At higher sens the hard acceleration in some of the more popular laser sensors won't make a difference.
For those wanting to pick up a mouse to play CoD; the newer ones are doing more to ruin your aim than any shitty sensor can ever hope to do, you can play all modern war shooters with pretty much any mouse.
I thought I mentioned that use low sensitivities somewhere, but yea, I didn't think I was recommending anything, just putting in what I've experienced with mice. With the G5, the lowest I could go safely without experiencing skipping was 1.8, I believe.


05 Dec 2012, 20:40

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you're misleading people or anything, I just wanted to clarify a bit in case someone read this and thought "welp, I play FPS games, guess I shouldn't get a laser mouse" when lots of FPS players would do just fine with one.

I've been using all kinds of mice at 1.3-2 in CS games and TF2 with no skipping, but that might be because I rarely go below 800 dpi on my mice, only time I go down to 400 is when I break out the IME.
I still experiment though, you'd think I knew how I liked my sensitivity by now, but no.


06 Dec 2012, 16:21

I probably own more mouses than I do keyboards. I used to get sick of the shape of them and buy a different one, I have the Logitech G5, G9, MX518 and the newer version of it, 2 Deathadders (one is a Transformers one), just to name some.. but I bought the Logitech M570 Trackball about 2 months ago, my first ever trackball and have not used a mouse at home since.

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