Hand built steel atreus

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15 Jan 2017, 03:54

I think that this is relatively novel. Built entirely by hand. Small precise cuts were made with a fretsaw, bigger ones with an angle grinder. Fine tuned with a file, and if all else failed, beaten into place with a hammer. It's welded together so technically the switchplate and top cover are all one piece.

It's meant to be a travel board (I have an infinity ergodox at home) so I used cherry clear switches to be polite. everything is hand wired into a teensy 2.0. I'm still working on the firmware but it's functional enough right now to type out this post.


I'm particularly proud of this usb port. On the normal atreus you just run the usb cable from the teensy through the case to the computer. Amphenol makes all sorts of heavy duty industrial stuff, including an all-metal micro usb port. It gives me no small amount of satisfaction to know that any stress on the cable will be transmitted by bolts to the case rather than by solder joints to a pcb.


My initial vision had everything precisely fitting together and sanded down to a uniform gleaming finish. I could tell that wasn't in the cards so I embraced the rough-hewn look and didn't use anything finer than a grinding disk for finishing. It has some rough spots but its pretty smooth to the touch. I coated it with wax designed for museum armor collections to prevent rust.






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formerly prdlm2009

15 Jan 2017, 04:46

Wow. Amazing. Sexy. Impressive. I don't know what else to say.

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ISO Advocate

15 Jan 2017, 08:03

Piece of art!
but is it really comfortable typing with such a high, non-angled keyboard that has bolts the size of baby fists on top of the case?

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15 Jan 2017, 10:54

Awesome looks. Nice rough looking finish.
Although I agree with Wodan, the bolts on the front look a bit too much outstanding :D for my taste as well.

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15 Jan 2017, 11:44

Looks like some kind of artwork.

But how heavy is this and are you really going to carry this block of avant-garde fashion steel around?

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formerly prdlm2009

15 Jan 2017, 14:17

Menuhin wrote: Looks like some kind of artwork.

But how heavy is this and are you really going to carry this block of avant-garde fashion steel around?
Anything for the keyboards, my friend, anything for the keyboards.

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15 Jan 2017, 15:37

vivalarevolución wrote:
Menuhin wrote: Looks like some kind of artwork.

But how heavy is this and are you really going to carry this block of avant-garde fashion steel around?
Anything for the keyboards, my friend, anything for the keyboards.
If I see someone using this board or a board with similar functional design, I would definitely think he/she must be an artist, and a sculptor that works with metal to be specific. I find it real cool indeed, artists have the right to do almost anything in the name of art.

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15 Jan 2017, 18:55

Thanks for all the compliments folks!

To Wodan and Ray, concerning the bolts:

I have yet to have my typing interfered with. When I first screwed everything together it was a concern, there are thumb positions where they would outright interfere with keypresses, but I very rarely even notice they are there. As long as I hang my hands properly (I think it's proper anyway) rather than drooping into a "wrist rest" position, my thumbs never even touch them.

To Menuhin, concerning portability:

Just weighed it and it comes out to 1lb 12oz/815g. Definitely not a featherweight but less than a large textbook. I do fully intend to carry it with me day to day, It already has a pocket picked out for it.


I wouldn't exactly consider myself an artist but I certainly don't mind being referred to as one. Mostly I just have a fascination with heavy equipment and overbuilt things.

To vivalarevolución, because I'm pretty sure I have now mentioned literally everyone else who has posted in this thread by name:

Thanks for the barrage of positivity!

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15 Jan 2017, 23:39

Looked like marble to me :D marble-lous!

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16 Jan 2017, 12:05

It seems quite high to me. Or is this something which doesn't bother you while typing?

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16 Jan 2017, 17:22

GEIST wrote: It seems quite high to me. Or is this something which doesn't bother you while typing?
I think the smallness of the keyboard and the inset keys might be giving the case a very tall impression. It's the same height as my ergodox, and by extension I would assume about the same height as any number of acrylic sandwich keyboards.

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16 Jan 2017, 19:42

regarding the bolts: I didn't think they would interfere with your typing, to me it just is a minor thing that isn't as aesthetically pleasing as the whole thing.

As is the colour of the keycaps, but that is
a) just my opinion
b) I don't know a better option for keycaps

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16 Jan 2017, 19:59

That is really cool! The Atreus has always been a personal favorite of mine!

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