Changes to Forum

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Daniel Beardsmore

13 Apr 2017, 22:54

I nearly said something sarcastic when this topic was opened, but I figured that—as amusing as it would be to start a flame war, this topic went ignored and the flaming in the original topic stopped—it would make more sense to just ignore this topic and let the whole issue die.

The flame war was, however, inevitable …

Flame on, I'll get some popcorn …


13 Apr 2017, 23:04

I think everybody was waiting on some official statement.
I actually assumed that this change was somehow agreed/voted on within the club member only section.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

13 Apr 2017, 23:16

On 06 Apr 2017, 19:42 I noticed when my post did not show up in the spy in the "A new US Republican thread 2016"...I knew right that second what is going all of you want my opinion on this:
"My favourite My Little duck color is blue!"
classic-wood-duck-aggression-JR6_5564.jpg (237.66 KiB) Viewed 5266 times
There are several reasons I'm not really active at DT anymore and this isn't one of them. :maverick:

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14 Apr 2017, 04:07

webwit wrote:
Ideals die, in most cases, not with a thunderous event, but in fits and starts with blind acceptance.
How dare you, you asshole. The Blue My Little Pony assholes fucked with the free speech at their disposal at a mechanical keyboard forum, with pushing the boundaries with their endless nagging. Nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag. If ideals die, it is because of you assholes, who just can't cope with the tools at their disposal.

Go to the My Little Pony forum. Stink up that place.
Wow. You go off on me, who's tried to be the modicum of reason during your rants? Who basically isn't blue or red but thinks all of them are screwed? Just because of one statement?

Yes, in fact, I dare call you on your shit. And that done, I laugh at your childish reply as I shake my head.
andrewjoy wrote: My issue with it mainly is nobody said what was happening.
This is the only reason I posted this. I don't really care about the topic being submerged. I haven't cared about the topic at all. I care about the underlying principles, and the fact that we're all supposed to own Deskthority (which I always thought was cool), but we have a loose cannon that because he has the power, looks to 'Cowboy up' and do things on his own. I should hope if anyone did something similar, one would call them on it too.

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formerly prdlm2009

14 Apr 2017, 06:01

Glad to see this topic being discussed. Some more transparency on the move would be appreciated.
webwit wrote:
Ideals die, in most cases, not with a thunderous event, but in fits and starts with blind acceptance.
How dare you, you asshole. The Blue My Little Pony assholes fucked with the free speech at their disposal at a mechanical keyboard forum, with pushing the boundaries with their endless nagging. Nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag. If ideals die, it is because of you assholes, who just can't cope with the tools at their disposal.

Go to the My Little Pony forum. Stink up that place.
Responses like this only embarrass yourself, especially directed towards a club member as thoughtful and polite as chuckdee.

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formerly prdlm2009

14 Apr 2017, 06:02

seebart wrote: On 06 Apr 2017, 19:42 I noticed when my post did not show up in the spy in the "A new US Republican thread 2016"...I knew right that second what is going all of you want my opinion on this:
"My favourite My Little duck color is blue!"
There are several reasons I'm not really active at DT anymore and this isn't one of them. :maverick:
Your sense of humor is impeccable, good sir.

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Wild Duck

14 Apr 2017, 09:24

The "thoughtful" member is a nasty asshole, who can go fuck himself. All you little blue My Little Pony assholes can be fuck themselves. You're a bunch of nasty, evil hypocrites. Nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag.

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14 Apr 2017, 09:32

Who are you and what did you do to webwit?

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14 Apr 2017, 09:38

Almost sounds like Terry A. Davis, the creator of Temple OS.

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The Tiproman

14 Apr 2017, 09:39

Just for the record, my favourite My Little Pony colour is not blue,
so I don't feel insulted by whoever hacked webwit's DT account :lol:


14 Apr 2017, 10:17

Where I come from, ducks nag you.

Tierlautbezeichnungen is animal sounds.
Ente is duck.

"Die Variante nag nag wird von Menschen bevorzugt, die in der DDR geboren wurden"
"The alternative nag nag is preferred by people born in eastern Germany."
Last edited by Slom on 14 Apr 2017, 14:55, edited 2 times in total.

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14 Apr 2017, 11:16

I am very surprised by this. DT has a nice community that rarely would benefit from major moderation and the sparse moderation policy both benefits that and is possible because of that.

I think some overreaction happened here. It may be due to inexperience in restrictive moderation.
Other forums I was part in and were moderated in a very nice way would have found a different and imho better solution on this: close the thread down for a weak, let the topic settle, ask for everyone not to open a new thread on it just for now; give an explanation like this deskthority-f17/changes-to-forum-t16301.html#p366957 then and there.
Everything would be transparant and reasonable. There would not be a discussion if this is silent cencorship (I don't think it was intended, but it effectively is). If all of this happened in a respectful and transparant way, it would work very well and I think most people around here would appreciate a little bit of moderation like this in the rarely occuring cases.

"out of sight out of mind" cencorship is imho one of the worst, because most effective, way of censorship - if done in the attempt to cencor. Somewhere after positive reinforcement of stating the opposite opinon.

PS: when I say transparant, I don't mean it in the networking layer way ;)
Last edited by Ray on 14 Apr 2017, 14:57, edited 1 time in total.

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14 Apr 2017, 14:10

webwit wrote: The "thoughtful" member is a nasty asshole, who can go fuck himself. All you little blue My Little Pony assholes can be fuck themselves. You're a bunch of nasty, evil hypocrites. Nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag.
So, can I ask since you have something in mind, what was it I did to deserve such a scathing sobriquet? Was it when I tried to calm down matters (and you specifically) when it first became apparent that things were going downhill on that particular thread? Or trying to bring the thread to non-partisan topics to emphasize our shared interest in the political process and focus less on our differences? Or was it when I called you out for a blatant abuse of power?

I'd guess the latter, but I couldn't say, as only a you can truly know your own intent. Enlighten me with something more than foul profanity if you would. And this is an honest question, though perhaps stated in a more sarcastic fashion than I might otherwise use.

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Daniel Beardsmore

14 Apr 2017, 14:24

webwit wrote: The "thoughtful" member is a nasty asshole, who can go fuck himself. All you little blue My Little Pony assholes can be fuck themselves. You're a bunch of nasty, evil hypocrites. Nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag.
If that's your viewpoint, then maybe it's time for you to leave.

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14 Apr 2017, 14:27

Seriously. While I support your decision, Webwit, I condemn your vicious impoliteness.

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formerly prdlm2009

14 Apr 2017, 15:19

webwit wrote: The "thoughtful" member is a nasty asshole, who can go fuck himself. All you little blue My Little Pony assholes can be fuck themselves. You're a bunch of nasty, evil hypocrites. Nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag.
Personal insults don't work with me, although they do make me laugh at the teenage level of response. Try something more creative.

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Offtopicthority Instigator

14 Apr 2017, 16:29

webwit wrote: The "thoughtful" member is a nasty asshole, who can go fuck himself. All you little blue My Little Pony assholes can be fuck themselves. You're a bunch of nasty, evil hypocrites. Nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag-nag.
Fine, but it won't change anything. Yes there is a good amount of hypocrisy everywhere including here. None of this is nagging.

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Elder Messenger

15 Apr 2017, 15:33

Ray wrote:
"out of sight out of mind" cencorship is imho one of the worst, because most effective, way of censorship
I have not been around as much in the last couple of weeks since I started a new job working long hours (and with a truly abominable cheap plastic keyboard) so to see the continuation of this erosion of civility is pretty surprising.

None of those "features" such as "Recent" or "Unread" or "Spy" is anything that I have ever looked at, since I check in on what I want and ignore everything else. I do agree that removing "Off-Topic" from that pool altogether is probably a good idea, since by definition it is not germane to the theme of the forum.

Since reading Eli Pariser's book several years ago, (in addition to the dozens of Philip K Dick books read throughout my adult life) I have become increasingly appalled at where the Internet has been taking the human race. Although its promise is extraordinary and unprecedented in history, the "dark side" is equally scary.

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Daniel Beardsmore

15 Apr 2017, 15:55

The Web offers breadth but not depth. The depth of coverage of paper books has never carried across to the Web. (Unless you're into Star Wars — Wookiepedia is nuts. For some reason all the effort gets concentrated into that.) That's something I always wanted the Deskthority wiki to offer: the depth of coverage that you'd expect from printed publications. (Then we could finally say that we wrote the book on the subject!)

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