Quick look at the plate mount QMX Clip

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12 Aug 2017, 01:19

I have one of GMKs new plate-mount silencing clips on hand as well as the ZealPC ones.
So I decided do do a short comparison.
Just from picking them up for the first time you will notice that the dampening inlay on the QMX top is much softer. Also they decided to cut the corners a little to make it a bit easier to clip them on an off. That's a welcome addition to the design.
plateclips.jpg (289.04 KiB) Viewed 9626 times
I didn't try them on a whole board or for a longer time, my setup was just one each on my regular keyboard.
On the left you can see the QMX, Zeal middle and of course the regular switch for the undampened comparison.
Dampening the switch stem is always a trade-off between switch feel and sound. The GMK clips manage to be a lot more silent, but of course this comes at the price of a bit softer bottom out.
In fact the silencing is so complete that I only now noticed how this k key sounds a bit more scratchy than the others. Might be the spring.

So yeah, turns out it really depends on how much silencing you need or are comfortable with. The Zeal clips retain a lot of switch sound whereas QMX is really quiet.
I also think the QMX feels a bit softer on the bottom out. I really should have tested this without hearing the switches though. Sound is such an important part in how you perceive the switch feel.

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12 Aug 2017, 02:58

Neat! I'd love to see that comparison again, but with something clicky, like zealistotles or blues.

The trade off on bottoming out is the same as in Alps/Matias damped.

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12 Aug 2017, 15:00

tl;dr: Don't try to use these with clicky MX

Only had a clicky pcb mount G80-1000HFD on hand.
Same result, but of course a completely different sound in that resonant case on a hard table.
Turns out there's a really ugly rattle to those Blues when silenced like this. It's hard to tell if that's due to the travel reduction or just gets drowned out completely on the unsilenced ones.
I wouldn't recommend doing this to your clicky switches :P
Last edited by kekstee on 12 Aug 2017, 17:12, edited 1 time in total.


12 Aug 2017, 15:38

Awesome comparison video, thanks for doing the work. I guess that proves that the zeal ones are overpriced shit if you want a silenced board :D


12 Aug 2017, 16:55

Cherry MX blues have a nub on the base on the slider that reduces key travel even more when used with silencing clips. Don't they feel weird? And do they work properly?

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12 Aug 2017, 17:02

Jesus, both silencers on the MX blues just leave the horrible, high-pitched squeak. Like typing on tiny eggshells.

Interesting how the Zealencio and real deal compare. If I wanted a silent switch (which would probably be the scenario in which I'd buy silencers), I'd definitely go for the GMKs. That probably shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, though.

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12 Aug 2017, 17:07

Findecanor wrote: Cherry MX blues have a nub on the base on the slider that reduces key travel even more when used with silencing clips. Don't they feel weird? And do they work properly?
Oh, right, that's another problem actually. I didn't connect it for this test, it's a terrible idea anyway.

It's even difficult on something like Clears since the reduced travel doesn't mesh too well with how the tactile force curve is supposed to go.

So in the end I would probably prefer silencing linear MX.

@hansichen: while horribly priced the Zeals might be just what you need to take the edge off the sound without deadening it completely.

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12 Aug 2017, 18:09

Nice comparison.

Do qmx clips work with gaterons/zealios?

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ISO Advocate

13 Aug 2017, 08:53

Nice and balanced review, thanks kekstee!

I am happy to see it's more than just a price difference between the two.
Guess everyone can find his own favourite silencing clip now :)

And yes, I totally agree these are perfect for linears.

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13 Aug 2017, 09:21

The final question would be: How do these compare to MX Silents? It sounds like QMX clips might have a similar feel.

It seems like tactile MX might benefit the most from these as there is no silent version for those switches.

Of course, there are other MX and MX clone switches that would be welcome to these clips that are linear. but I'm speaking strictly of MX itself here.

As to silencing clicky switches, that sounds a little counterintuitive anyway, haha.

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13 Aug 2017, 13:17

Wodan has done a comparison in the same case, silent MX vs qmx clip MX. Should be somewhere.

I figured these wouldn't work with 2x3x4 LEDs earlier - well, turns out they're an exact fit.
Again, just PCB mount, but this time tactile MX in the form of Ergo Clears.

You know the setup by now:
While it felt almost too silent on my massive plate mount board I really enjoy the sound of the QMX clip on these PCB mount Ergo Clears. In fact I probably should get a full set of these.
Keep in mind though that you can notice the lack of movement below the tactile bump compared to the unsilenced switch. It's fine with these light springs but there's potential to feel weird, I guess.
gjooro wrote: Do qmx clips work with gaterons/zealios?
They do clip on.


28 Aug 2017, 13:25

Any idea when the QMX clips will be available for purchase?


29 Aug 2017, 10:18

Do you have testet the clips with silent blacks? This could be the to-go combination for large offices...


19 Sep 2017, 13:24

Last edited by davkol on 19 Jan 2025, 01:02, edited 1 time in total.

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20 Sep 2017, 17:55

Plate mount QMX Clips are now available on Uniqey's website:

https://uniqey.net/en/accessories/18/qm ... -pcs.?c=11

the issue is that Unikey delivers products only to 8 European countries (at least these are the countries available in the address form at the checkout): Austria, Germany, Belgium, Ireland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Switzerland, UK.

It seems I might have to rely on a proxy to get some.
I sent a mail to Uniqey regarding this to ask them if they plan to deliver products to all of the 28 EU countries.

Edit: I just got confirmation, Uniqey will ship only to the above countries + US and Canada due to shipping regulations


21 Sep 2017, 20:12

Can you conclude that these are better than Zealencios? Physically, are these any different? I wonder what allows the GMK variant to be more silent...

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ISO Advocate

22 Sep 2017, 11:05

Concluding that one product is better than another is something many people would love to hear just to assure them they are buying the right thing. But in most cases this is just a personal preference!

My theory regarding the more silent QMX clips is that they are using a softer material to dampen the downstroke. This however will affect the type feeling and soften the bottom-out more.

Looking at the prices of both alternatives - considering the difference between them is just nuances - I don't think anyone will be paying around 3x of the QMX asking price for the Zeal things. It was fun while it lasted and he really took advantage of GMKs design flaw there but I guess unless we see both products at roughly the same price, there is just no competition for the QMX clips as an aftermarket dampening solution.


29 Sep 2017, 01:33


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