Hi guys! What I hope is good news, I did just buy the 2 Nixdorf keyboards that were reported on in the above quote on this thread, AND their companion terminal/CRT assemblies from this seller.Elrick wrote: 16 Dec 2019, 06:04Pity there's never a detailed back story to these keyboards.JP! wrote: 15 Dec 2019, 05:21 https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Nixdor ... SwzfFd9LVk
https://www.ebay.com/itm/Vintage-Nixdor ... SwE91d9Lcf
Would love to know which factory they were used in and when. Imagine buying a keyboard that was once used inside Ferrari, Boeing or NASA.
The Sellers could make extra on hardware without even realizing it.
So, because I'm hell-bent on learning all there is to know about the system that they came from, I DO indeed intend to find out all there is to know about the true backstory of these systems. How did they end up in a farmhouse in the NW suburban St. Louis, Missouri area? If the answer can be found, I will certainly find it. And I'll let you guys know!
Here's my post with more of the story so far... viewtopic.php?f=2&t=23215
Best to all,