For future reference, and for the sake of keeping information in one place, I'm going to quote the relevant section from the FAQ ( ... rdware.txt)
H.12 - What is the pinout of the 6150/6151 Keyboard port?
Here is pin-out and information on an RT keyboard.
More information is available from "IBM RT PC Hardware Technical
Reference" Volume 1 P/N 75X2032, Chapter 9 pages 9-3 thru 9-23,
and from Chapter 5, pages 5-85 thru 5-114.
[ The connector is a AMP type, I don't yet have the P/N of how to get
the parts to construct one. Anybody? - MW ]
Connector Specifications:
(view is looking INTO the female connector socket on the cable attached
to the keyboard)
Code: Select all
+--------------+ 1 = +5 Volts
| 5 3 1 | 2 = Keyboard Data
| | 3 = Speaker Signal
- 6 4 2 - 4 = Speaker Return (+5V)
| | 5 = Ground
+----------+ 6 = Clock (diagrams in the book seem
to indicate that clock is generated
BY the keyboard)
Microprocessor in keyboard performs following functions:
- Self test at power-on or when requested by system.
- keyboard scanning.
- Buffering of up to four key scan codes.
- Executing the hand-shake protocol requred by each scan code transfer.
- full-duplex serial interface
- communicates with a 8255A PIO chip and a 8501 microprocessor
in the RT planar.
- 11 bit framing protocol.
IBM part numbers for the RT keyboard are:
1392366 Keyboard, United States English.
1392374 Keyboard, United Kingdom English.
1392373 Keyboard, Canadian-French.
Ten other part numbers are listed for other language layout keyboards.
H.13 - Can I use an AT keyboard on an RT?
NO. While most of the signals are the same, there are four
major differences:
1) There is a speaker in the keyboard.
2) The physical connector is not the same.
3) Some of the scan codes are different.
4) Some of the programing commands are not implemented in
the AT keyboard.
Difference 1 and 2 are managable, but 3 and 4 imply some way
is needed to alter the keyboard ROM chips, or basic hardware.
[ ANY input on how to hack a keyboard for RT compatibility is
gladly welcomed! - MW ]